People at school had told him he was fat and ugly. At first, he didn't care for what they thought. But that was when he had his mum. She always told how they were just jealous of how perfect and wonderful he was and she brought him strength to ignore it. But when she told him to get out of her life and that he was disgusting, he knew it was true. Since then, he strived to be perfect. For Harry, for Niall and Abby, all of his friends, and especially people who had to look at him. He didn't want them to be disgusted. He thought not eating for almost three weeks and making himself sick was a small price to pay.

But it seems that he wasn't quick enough.

"Louis? Lou?! Boobear!!?" Harry waved his hands in front of Louis' face, which had a depressed look etched on it.

Louis just sat there warm tears threatening his eyes. He looked up at Harry and gave him a small nod. "I know what you're gonna say. I'm really sorry, Harry."

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and rocked him back and forth. Neither of them were on the same page though. They weren't even reading the same book.

"It's okay, Boo. We just need to get you some help! Then you'll be fine!" Harry managed a weak smile and rocked Louis back and forth.

"Help with what? I'm not crazy or something Harry. I-I.....thought you were breaking up with me!" Louis pulled out of Harry's grip and stared, confused.

Harry's eyes widened. "Break up with you?! Why would I do something so stupid?"

Louis let out a sigh of relief. "Then what're you talking about?"

Harry took in a deep breath and exhaled. "I know you're not eating Louis," he mumbled, before staring at Louis' face for a reaction.

Louis didn't know what to say. Should he be flattered that Harry noticed  or scared because of what could happen now? He settled for angry because Harry had implied that he needed 'help' as if he had some sort of sickness.

"So?" Louis crossed his arms with a challenging look on his face.

"So it's not good for you Louis! You can't just stop eating!" Harry exclaimed. Did he really not know how bad this could get?

"Well I already have. And nothing bad has happened yet! I'll be fine!" Louis knew he was lying. He wasn't fine. His stomach felt like it was eating itself. It probably was. He felt so empty inside. He literally shook every time he had to use energy.

Harry huffed, frustrated. There was no way that Louis didn't know the damage this could cause. Harry had looked it up on line. He could pass out at anytime, his muscles could deteriorate, or he could eventually die. Harry had passed up talking about this before and now that it was happening, he wasn't going to let up."Louis. why would you do this to yourself? It's not healthy! Something could happen to you!."

Louis felt anger burst up inside him like a volcano. Harry didn't understand. "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WANTING TO BE PERFECT!" he yelled as he shot up off the bed. Unfortunately, he got up too quick and weak his head spin as he fell to the floor. He had literally no energy in his body. He clutched his stomach as cramps set in and thrashed around in his guts. His eyelids felt like tons and they shut themselves, not giving Louis a choice.

Harry rushed over, pulled Louis into his lap, yanking out his phone. He quickly dialled 911 and rocked Louis like a baby, as they waited for the paramedics.

Tears caressed Harry's face as he muttered over and over, "You already are."


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