Bryan: A Thousand Years

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"What mom?"

"You ready to go pick out your dress?"

"Almost. I just have to grab my purse and hairstyle book!"
"Alright, I'll be in the car waiting."

I grab my purse and see my finger. The engagement ring on my hand glints in the early morning sun. Seven months ago he proposed. I had no idea that he was doing it. I can remember it like it was yesterday.


I walk into Blue Base for BU film day. My phone starts blowing up with texts. I check my phone and see there are texts from Joey, Bobby, Corey, Kyle, Erick, Rich, Natalie and Marvin saying something happened to Bryan during testing for a shoot and I need to go to the Edge Space immediately. I bolt up the stairs and to Kevin's office. He isn't in his office. I hear his voice in Matt's office. I bolt to Matt's office and stop short when I see Matt and Kevin still in their coats as well.

"Why are you guys in your coats still?"

"We could ask you the same thing y/n. You're supposed to be in the first BU shoot today."

"I have to bail on that. I'm needed at the Edge Space. Something happened to Bryan."

Matt and Kevin look at each other and grin meanwhile I'm freaking out.


Kevin wraps his arms around me and says something that concerns me.

"Relax y/n it's nothing too serious."

I would have completely lost it if Kevin didn't have his arms around me.

Matt and Kevin don't object because they both know how bad I can get when upset. Kevin gets in my car with me while Matt drives himself. We get there in like 6 minutes. I fly out of the car and inside the office. I'm greeted by Natalie who stops me and pulls me into her shared office with Kyle and Erick.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you are here. Bryan needs your help after what happened during the test shoot this morning. Joey and Marvin got him to his office but he wants just you now. You should head up there now."

Before Natalie can even get out of my way after opening the door I bolt out of her office and to Bryan's. I get there and the door is open and I hear Joey and Bobby talking to Bryan.

"Dude she won't say no. She loves you man. If she didn't love you then why is she still with you after 6 years together?"

"I agree with Bobby, Bryan. If y/n didn't love you she wouldn't be with you still. Remember that one time she straight up told us that if she hadn't met you, she wouldn't have found the person she loves the most. One time she told me that she would be a wreck without you Bryan and that she is complete with you in her life. If she says no, I'll be extremely surprised."

I smile to myself before knocking on the doorframe. Joey and Bobby look at me and smile.

"We'll see you in a couple minutes Bryan. Remember what we told you."

Joey pats me on the shoulder before he leaves. Once they are both gone I fly to Bryan's side. I inspect him thoroughly. He laughs at me.

"Why are you inspecting me hun?"
"I was told something happened to you during a test shoot earlier."
"Nothing happened to me, that was just a way to get you here."

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