Marvin: Rather Be

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*Marvin's POV* (WOW That's a switch XD)

I walked into work thinking that today would be a normal day. I would be proven otherwise. It's Thursday so that means it is Team Edge film day and Rekt film day. I'm filming a one video with Team Edge this morning and then filming with Rekt the rest of the day. The Team Edge video was really fast and fun. I make my way over to Orange Base to get ready for the Rekt videos. When I walk in, I see Gunner and Tanner getting a girl ready. I have never seen this girl before so I'm thinking she's a guest. I walk up to Gunner, Tanner and the girl. Tanner steps away from the girl and turns towards me.

"Hey Marvin?"

"Yes Tanner?"

"Can I talk to you in Gunner's office?"

Tanner and I enter Gunner's office. Tanner shuts the door and I speak up.

"What do you need to talk about Tanner?"
"The girl that Gunner and I were helping get ready."

"What about her?"

"She's Gunner's little sister."

"Yes. She is super shy and is petrified to be here. If she is practically glued to Gunner's side all day and during the shoots, you know why. Everyone else already got this talk but I wanted to mention something else about her to you."

"Okay and what is it?"

"Gunner told her that we were filming with you today so she wanted to see pictures of you. Gunner showed her pictures of you and both Gunner and I saw happiness and love in her eyes. She has only seen pictures of you but Gunner and I know that she thinks you are cute."

"Wow, can I see pictures of her?"

Tanner pulls out his phone and shows me pictures of Gunner's sister. Man she's pretty and cute. She looks like she has a huge heart but has been hurt badly before. Gunner then opens the door with his sister right next to him.

"There you are Marvin."
"Yea, Tanner wanted to talk to me privately so he pulled me into here. Who is this gorgeous girl next to you Gunner?"

"This is my sister y/n. Marvin, y/n. Y/n, Marvin."
*Y/n POV*

When Gunner said Marvin's name I looked up and looked at who he was talking to. Woah, the pictures Gunner showed me last night didn't do him any justice. Marvin is so much attractive in person. Marvin extends his hand to me. I shake it.

"Nice to meet you y/n."

"Same to you Marvin. Can I talk to you alone please?"

Gunner and Tanner look at me confused. I look back at them both with a look of confidence.

"Sure. Let's go out to the warehouse."
Marvin takes my hand and leads me to the warehouse. He doesn't let go of my hand so I'm guessing Tanner gave him the talk.

"Y/n what did you want to talk to me about?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I think you are really handsome. I didn't want to say that in front of Gunner because he would have freaked out since I just got out of a really bad relationship. I know Gunner and Tanner don't want me to get into a new relationship just yet."

"Awe. Let me just tell you that, I think you are absolutely gorgeous. I also want to tell you that when you are ready to get into a new relationship, I'm here if you want."

"Awe thank you Marvin."

I engulf Marvin into a hug. Gunner and Tanner just happen to walk into the warehouse when Marvin starts hugging me back. Gunner gets the wrong idea and starts yelling.


I go to reply but can't because I am shaking because Gunner has never yelled at me like that before. Marvin notices and tightens his embrace around me. Marvin speaks up.

"Gunner! Relax please. Y/n and I aren't together. She told me something and I told her something and we were hugging about it. Your yelling has scared your sister to the point she is shaking. Tanner, do you know anything that can help calm her down?"
"I do know something. Okay Google, play Rather Be by Pentatonix."

The Google Home starts playing Rather Be and I start to calm down. Once I have stopped shaking I let go of Marvin and start singing. I know Tanner has it on repeat so I'm happy. Once I've sung it five times I'm back to normal so Tanner turns it off. While I was singing, Gunner realized what he did. Gunner makes his way to me and engulfs me into a big hug.

"Y/n/n, I'm so sorry for yelling at you the way I did. I now know that I can't always control your life. I'm your big brother so I'm going to want to protect you no matter what. If you are ready for a new relationship and if you want it to be with Marvin, I'll support you."

"It's okay Gunface. I understand that you will always want to protect me. I know that you want the best for me and I want the same for you. I'll decide if I'm ready for a new relationship with Marvin after we film okay?"

"Okay. Now let's film!!"

*Time Skip*

We just finished filming and man was it fun. I came out of my shell throughout the day. I never thought I would like being on camera as much as I did. I was chilling with Gunner and Marvin in Gunner's office when I hear someone walk through the door with a vlog camera. I instantly grab Gunner's hand out of instinct when I'm scared. Gunner looks at Marvin and Marvin understands. Marvin gets up and shuts the door and the blinds. Marvin then pulls out his phone and puts on Rather Be by Pentatonix. I get up and go sit on Marvin's lap. He starts singing along and to me. I curl into him.

"Hey Marv?"
"What y/n?"

"Have you ever met someone and realized that they were the one for you the same day you met them?"
"I have why do you ask?"

"Because that's what I realized today when I met you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to be your boyfriend."
When the song hits the part "When I am with you, there is no place I'd rather be" Marvin and I kiss. When I'm with Marvin there is no other place I'd rather be.

Well look at that it's done!! I finished this one wayyy faster than I thought. I thought it would take me at least 5 days but it took me 2 days. I hope you enjoyed it! Next up is Michael Badal!

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