Paradise, at Last

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This chapter is dedicated to all of you. Every person who has read this is my inspiration to continue writing it. Y'all made this all possible. Thank you, truly and from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys.                                                                                                                                                                          

Three Years Later

“Dean, you have fought everything that could give a normal human being nightmares, and this is what you’re afraid of?” Sam laughed, throwing his head back, “Dean, just pretend it’s a demon we have to kill. It cannot be that bad.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one doing it,” Dean grumbled.

“If you didn’t want to do it, then why did you even bring it up?”

“‘Cause I do wanna do it. I’m just… Scared, Sammy,” Dean looked up at Sam from the chair he was laying in. Sam shook his head and pulled Dean up to straighten his tie.

“Dean, you have nothing to be scared of. There is literally no reason for you to be afraid. We even got Bobby back, in case things don’t go according to plan.”

“Remind me to thank God again for that one," Dean grumbled, "What if everything changes? I don’t want it to change. I actually am satisfied with my life, for once.”

“I promise you, Dean, we won’t let anything change. Tomorrow, you’ll be on another hunt with me and the guys and everything will be back to normal.”

Gabe burst into the room, his eyes wild and his suit rumpled.

“Is Dean ready? We need to get this over with,” Gabe commanded. Sam just laughed and pulled the angel in for a hug.

“Is Cas okay?”

“He’s fine. Honestly, I don’t know why you guys haven’t spoken in a week. It’s obvious you miss each other,” Gabe mumbled.

Dean began to answer and stopped as Cas appeared at the door. Dean hid a smile as Sam and Cas hugged.

“Are you ready, Dean?” Gabe asked, pushing Cas from the room.

“Yeah,” Dean smiled, “I can do this.”

He followed Sam out of the room, closing the door behind him for no other reason than to help him calm his nerves. He heard The Messenger by Linkin Park begin to play and he knew that it was time.

Dean watched as Cas was led to him. Gabe was on one side, Sammy on the other. Cas looked radiant in his pure white suit. Dean began to fidget with the bottom and cuffs of his own suit, which was black, of course. He turned to Bobby. Bobby smiled reassuringly. Cas appeared seemingly out of nowhere at Dean’s side. Gabe was standing by Cas’ side and Sammy was beside Dean.

“I would go through the entire thing, you guys, but it’s only us. We can just jump ahead to the vows. I think you may have written your own,” Bobby winked at Dean. Dean smiled as Cas ducked his head and blushed.

“I’ll go first,” Dean told him.

“Well, that’s a first,” Cas mumbled, trying to relieve the tension. Everyone laughed, including Dean. Dean squeezed Cas’ hands in his own and began to recite his vows from memory.

“Castiel, you are the single most confusing, annoying, lost angel I have ever met. You don’t know or understand human jokes; you don’t get sarcasm. You ask too many questions. You drive me crazy every day. I have to Google things just to be able to explain them to you,” Dean paused, dramatically and wiped a tear from Cas' eye, “I can honestly say that I didn’t like you at all for a while. But, somewhere along the way, I looked at you and knew that I would never be able to live without you. I knew that you were the only person, or angel, for me. And, I can honestly say that I never thought that I could ever settle down. I always knew there was something missing until you chose me. I can finally say that I am complete.”

“The ring, Sam?” Bobby said as a tear escaped from his unblinking eyes. Sam pressed a white gold ring into Dean’s hand, who then slipped it onto Cas’ finger.

“With this ring, I thee wed,” Dean whispered with a half smile. Everyone turned to Cas, waiting on his words. He took a deep breath and began, his voice shaking.

“Dean Winchester, I love you, first off. When I first saw you, I knew that there was something between us. I called a ‘profound bond’ at the time. I knew that I loved you from the very beginning, but I couldn’t. I was an angel and you were human. God had always told us that we were not allowed to have feeling for humans. I was only supposed to observe you. It made me so sad to just watch. I got involved. I fell in love with you, Dean. For years, I knew you wouldn’t ever return my feelings. Then, you almost died. I didn’t fight it anymore. And, I found that you loved me, too. My heart soared. I am so happy that you chose to love me, Dean. I am complete.”

“Gabe?” Bobby looked at Gabe. Gabe slipped a gold ring into Cas’ hand. Cas gently pushed the ring onto Dean’s finger and kissed it.

“By the power vested in me by…. Um, I guess, me, I now pronounce you…. Man and groom?” Bobby struggled through the sentence. Sam snickered, earning an angry glance from Bobby.

“You may now kiss…You may kiss the... Oh, just kiss,” Bobby snapped. Dean smiled and pulled Cas in for a long kiss.

“We’re finally married,” Cas whispered.

“Are you sure you really wanna be stuck with me?”

“I really don’t have a choice now, do I?” Castiel smiled and Dean kissed him again.

“Well, forever, I guess,” Dean mused, "We have forever."

“Gabe!” Sam yelled. He nodded his head furiously and lunged at the angel.

“What did we miss?” Dean asked, pulling Cas with him as he walked to where the guys had snuck off to.

“Not to steal your thunder, Dean,” Sam began.

“I asked him to marry me,” Gabe shrugged, “I didn’t think you guys would mind.”

Dean and Cas looked at each other and smiled. They each pulled one of the newly engaged couple to them.

“Can I plan the wedding?” Cas begged.

“Why don’t we just do it now?” Dean suggested.

“What? No,” Sam jumped in, glancing nervously at Gabriel.

“Why not, Samsquatch?”

“Well, I guess we could….”

“This is gonna be fun,” Cas whispered to Dean.

“The rest of our life is gonna be like this,” Dean smiled and kissed Cas.

“Sounds good to me,” Cas whispered and turned to the couple getting married.

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