Crowley Makes a Deal

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A/N: I'm so sorry. Although, you must admit, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm actually not even sure if it's me writing anymore. I think I'm just following the story and it's writing itself.

 Dean started toward the King of Hell without much of a plan other than to take his head off. Crowley flicked his wrist, throwing the hunter down the street. He then raised an eyebrow at Sam and Gabe.

 So, Moose, how's the love life?” 

Sam burned red with anger and rushed towards the demon, only to arrive at the same fate as his brother. Cas and Gabe stared at Crowley, weighing their options. Gabe still had some of his powers, but Cas was completely without grace. This left them with only two logical choices: run or make a deal. Neither of them could stand the thought of making a deal, so they both chose to turn and run. This was not what Crowley had planned. With another flick of his wrist, the two were inside the house and strapped to chairs.

 Dean and Sam watched helplessly from their own prison as Crowley began taunting the angels.

 “Can't even save your boyfriend,” Crowley said, finishing up a speech about Castiel's uselessness. He turned to Gabe, “And you aren't even a disappointment. You lived up to your name. 'Trickster'. Even I was fooled into believing you had really died.”

 Gabriel glared at Crowley before throwing a swift glance at Sam. His features softened when he saw the hunter's face was swollen and bloody. Crowley grinned. “Is that your boyfriend? Well, would you like to see this?”

Crowley stepped away from Gabriel, motioning for another demon to take his place. The demon, Damion, smirked and stepped toward the angel, his eyes filled with power and lust. Gabriel set his jaw and kept eye contact with Sam. Damion slipped his shirt off of his shoulders and straddled Gabriel in the chair, forcing his mouth on the angels. His hands began working at Gabe's waistband and Gabe began to struggle. Castiel gasped once he saw what was happening, and began to beg.

 “Crowley, no! Anything but this! Please! I'll... Do it. Take me. I surrender. I accept the deal,” Cas' voice broke with the fierceness of his plea. Crowley smiled and Dean began to beat on the invisible wall that separated him from his angel. Cas could see Dean's lips forming the words Don't do it, but he had to save not only his brother, but also his lover and his best friend. He had to do this for Dean. Sam pulled Dean away from the scene, wrapping him in a brotherly hug to protect him from what was happening. Damion removed himself from Gabriel and went to Castiel. 

“So, you're going to be my lover?” Damion's voice was rough with pleasure and dominance. Cas clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, knowing what was coming. Crowley pulled out a deal, reading the usual “Blah, blah, blah. If they get hurt, you come back. Fine print, fine print. If any of them make a deal, their deal overwrites your deal, thus making the current deal null and void. Sign.”

 Cas looked at Dean, who was sobbing, and nodded his head once. Damion smirked and loosened the restraints on Cas' arms. Gabriel, already having figured out Cas' plan, didn't even flinch as his brother signed his name. Crowley leaned over Cas and brought his face dangerously close.

 “What, no kiss?” Crowley fake pouted. 

“I signed. It offers the same thing,” Castiel pointed out, “And I'm not too keen on kissing someone whose mouth has been to Hell and stayed.”


“He came back. Drank enough to sterilize Hell. He's safe.”

Crowley nodded and snapped his fingers, allowing all four of them out of their prisons. Dean practically tackled Cas, pulling him as close as he could.

 “Why did you do that?” Dean grumbled angrily in Cass's hair.

 “To save you.”

Gabe and Sam watched with pity in their eyes.

 “Five minutes, Angel,” Crowley informed as he leaned back in the chair that had previously held Cas prisoner. Cas pulled away from Dean with tears in his eyes and hugged Sam.

 “Take care of your brother,” Cass whispered. Sam nodded and Cas went to his brother. They shared a few words, then Cas was ready to go.

 “Bye, Pigeons,” Crowley called as he disappeared. Cas was left behind for a brief moment, in which he smiled at Dean. 

“Dean Winchester...” Cas cried out in pain as his body burst into flames. He locked eyes with Gabriel, then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

 “'I love you'. He wanted to tell you he loves you,” Gabriel told Dean before grabbing the brothers and turned toward the witch.

 “Rose,” Gabriel growled, acknowledging the demon in the witch for the first time.

 “You two know each other?” Sam demanded patiently. Gabriel nodded. Rose smirked and threw her head back. A cloud pf smoke screamed out, leaving a dead body in its wake. Gabriel nodded tensely and practically carried both Winchesters out to the Impala.

 “Come on, guys. We need Bobby.”

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