For Lack of a Better Term

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“ I see that you and your ex- angel are finally together again. You should thank me for that. I mean, I am the one who gave Bobby the idea… And, I convinced Crowley to take the deal. You owe it all to me, Dean,” Metatron smirked at the hunter before him. He then turned to Sam and Gabe, noticing for the first time how close they were standing.

“You finally got the hint and came back from the dead,” Metatron fake- squeaked, “Finally!”

Both the younger hunter and angel glared at him, their emotions written on their faces. Metatron gasped and went to Cas. He raised his hands to Cas’ face and Dean attacked him, punching him in the face as hard as he could. The force sent Metatron to the ground. Metatron laughed and spit blood onto Dean’s shoe. Dean kicked him in the face about three times before two new angels grabbed him and slammed him against the wall, holding him still. Metatron smiled and sighed at Dean before looking at Gabe.

“Remember the wall you reached in Dean’s mind?” He growled, waiting for Gabriel’s realization. When it came, Metatron continued, “I. Put. It. There.”

Castiel looked confused, but forced his face into a stone wall. He focused on the man behind the angel before him. He prayed, even though he knew there was no help for him. Metatron heard his prayer and laughed in his face.

“Who did you think would hear you?” Metatron inquired, his voice low, “God? Well, I hate to tell you, Sweetheart, God is dead. I am God now.”

Castiel ignored this and continued praying, his pleas moving fluidly between every language that ever was and ever will be. Metatron smirked at him, stepping back.

“It’s nice to know that you still know things without your grace. I’m glad to know that you didn’t completely lose your mind.”

Dean watched helplessly, occasionally yanking one of his arms, hoping that he would break free. God, if you can hear me, save my angel. he listened to the silence in his head, pulling his arm away from the angel on his left only to have it pinned back. Usually, Dean could hear the flutter of angels through his head. he had always been able to hear it. The only angel that ever spoke back was Cass, but he was always aware of other angels. Why couldn’t he hear them now?

Metatron heard his thoughts and turned to face the hunter. Sam and Gabe ran to Cas’ side and pushed him behind them, trying to hide him from whatever horror “God” had in mind for Dean. Cas refused to hide, though, and stepped around them just in time to watch Metatron reach into Dean’s abdomen. Cas screamed and fell to his knees. Metatron whipped around and smiled.

“That’s what your mind block does, Dean,” Metatron whispered, inclining his head toward the weeping ex- angel. Tears had formed in Dean’s eyes, as well. He had seen the same thing that Cas had.

“Why don’t you just leave us alone? You got your story, now stop it!” Dean yelled, his voice deepening with authority. Cas looked up and blinked a few times before scrambling across the room to Dean. Metatron smiled at Dean and motioned for the angels to let him go. Dean opened his arms as Cas got close to him, closing them around him as he clutched Dean. Dean tilted Cas’ head so he could look him in the eye.

“I love you, Cass. Please, if this doesn't work, take care of Sammy,” Dean said, his eyes flashing from blue to black before returning to their usual hazel. Cass furrowed his brow, but nodded, stepping back as fresh tears formed. Dean turned to the imposter of Heaven.

“You said you were God, Metatron?” Dean demanded. Metatron nodded, dumbfounded at the hunter’s sense of authority. Metatron looked as if he were about to bow down before the hunter and beg him what his will was.

“There is no other God but the one, true almighty God. You claim that this is you?” ‘Dean’ walked toward Metatron, every step firm. Gabriel smiled in recognition and pulled his brother and his lover down to their knees. All three of them stayed like that, on the ground with heads bowed, while 'Dean' continued to Metatron. The other angels couldn’t take the pressure put on by his very presence and they fell to the ground, breathing heavily from trying to resist.

Losing Control (Destiel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin