We went for lunch at a local diner not to far from the horse ranch, ate and left to venture around the area. We came across a dog shelter and Kara insisted we go look inside and play with the dogs if we can. I was hesitant because I was afraid we would adopt a cute ass dog, we really didn't have the time for one.

We walked around a bit, petting all the dogs because every animal deserves love. The shelter had a little backyard where anyone could carry the dogs to play with, so we did that for a few dogs because we weren't allowed all, that's bullshit, but whatever. Kara and I talked about running a shelter for animals, but I'll have to see in the future. I wanted her to start up her business first, then we could do other things, but of course this shelter would be non-profitable.

"They all look so sad," Kara said in a low tone. "Can we at least save one?"

Kara always gets what she wants, but I don't think it'll work this time.

"Babe, I know you wanna save them all, I do too, but we don't have the time. You're still doing school until you graduate and I'm always working. The most time we have is for each other and I would never want a dog to feel unhappy in our possession," I explained.

Kara sighed and shook her head in agreement. After she was officially finished with school, I was planning on adopting one for her anyway. She'll have a lot of time for the little guy/girl after graduation.


Everywhere I go I'll somehow run into Camila, why was she in even Miami? She lives in Los Angeles. When I was at the bank, she was there, she told me that Shawn broke up with her and that she's lonely; that's not my problem. I feel like she follows me everywhere, she don't talk unless she's close to me. I don't entertain things either, but sometime I'll look at that ass, it's fat, who doesn't like a good ass? Kara and I looks at almost every woman's ass together, it's a great bonding experience. Kara knows about Camila being around lately, but she isn't taking her on as a threat anymore. She knows I'll stay with her and never leave unless one of us fall out of love. I'll be heartbroken because we're such a wonderful couple, in my eyes at least, I don't really give a fuck what other's might think. She's 18, it's totally legal, plus she looks like she's in her 20's as well.

"Hi, Ms. Jauregui, there's a buyer who wants to talk to you personally about buying a vehicle," one of my employees said through the phone.

"No problem, I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay, Ms. Jauregui." I smiled even though I know she couldn't see me, it's a weird habit.

Most of my loyal customers love to talk to me personally when buying a vehicle, most of them are men who try to get in my pants even though I'm gay and they have wives. One time, out of pettiness, I fucked one of my customers wife because he wouldn't stop trying to hit on me and some of my workers and he constantly cheats on his wife, so why not give her a little something nice and make him feel like shit? I did it where he knew I had wonderful sex with her, not like they were having sex either way. I remember it clearly, it was a Wednesday afternoon and he came home around 1:30.

His name was Jacob, one of Miami's millionaires. He own's many strip clubs and bars and he distributes marijuana legally in LA and he wouldn't dare leave his wife because she came from a family from wealth and helped him to become the man he is today, business wise at least. It's a shame they don't have sex because she fucks well, but I found out recently that she's out here fucking her assistant, good for her, she needs some pussy.

Anyway, we both fucked until Jacob arrived home. Luckily, we both came in time so it wasn't a rush thing. I dressed back in my suit and left, walking out the front door winking at him. I knew he wouldn't beat his wife, so that was good, and if he did, I knew people that'll do worse to him, that's why he don't fuck with me, a lot of people knew not to fuck with me actually. Though I never did it, I could possibly make people disappear, but that's not something to brag about.

I walked down the stairs and I could feel all eyes on me. Everyone stares at me when I'm in their vision, I don't really react to it because I'm used to the stares, all I had to do was turn to them and they would resume to whatever they were doing.

"Hi, good day, I'm Lauren Jau-, oh, hi Camila." Just my luck.

"Good day, Ms. Jauregui, would you help me pick out a Range Rover, please?" she asked seductively. She's going to stress me, I could feel it.

I showed her all the suv's we had on display and also told her she could build her own. Camila requested to build her own, so we went up to my office.

I remember when Kara came in my office to get her Range, I could've fucked her right then and there.

While going up to my office, I could feel Camila staring at me, I rolled my eyes and just ignored the weird feeling in me.

I explained everything to her while she helped me understand what she wanted. I made things happen for my customers as usual and got it done. She wouldn't get this one right away, maybe in a day or two for the latest.

When we were done, I got up to show her the door, but suddenly, she backed me against the wall. I cursed under my breathe annoyed, but I liked it. I shouldn't have liked it, I had a wonderful girlfriend at home and Camila probably just wanted me for sex.

I pushed her off of me and walked to the door, but she grabbed my hand and held onto my wrist. I huffed as I tried to get her off of me, but she was surprisingly stronger. I gave up and a smirk came to her lips.

"Leave me alone, Camila, I don't want you!"

"Oh, baby, but you would after I fuck you on your desk right now."

hi guys!

i'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while! But I'm back!

i hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

make sure to vote and comment pls, thx ! <3

-jewel x

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