"Don't," Cain snapped, facing his Beta. "I don't want to think about her right now, or ever again. Is that clear?"

Will clamped his mouth shut and nodded. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up."

Cain sighed. "I hate that he still has such a hold over us. Specifically me."

Caroline placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Cain, he's your brother and he betrayed you. No one expects you to just get over something like that. Just know that we all stand behind you, and maybe today you'll get the opportunity to kick his ass for us."

He glanced at her kind face and smiled softly, something he didn't do often. "If that opportunity arises, you know I won't pass it up."

She grinned at him and patted his arm before walking back over to her husband. Riley looked like was about to say something when all the wolves turned to the front door. The distinct sound of a boot on the wood planks had reached their ear, right before someone knocked. They were here. Cain scowled at the door before he turned to the pack.

"A few of you go to the living room with the pups. The rest of you stay here and act natural." He kept his voice low, well aware of how sensitive the ears of the wolves at the front door were.

All the wolves except for Ryland and Vince moved to the living room. The two warriors were on edge and angry at the threat being presented to their pack. Ryland, for all he was a goofball, was a fierce wolf. Xander wouldn't recognize Ryland anymore than he would Cain. Ryland had been a short, skinny eighteen-year-old when he'd left for college. Now he was well over six feet and had filled out nearly as much as Cain. He was an imposing man, which was usually overshadowed by his friendly demeanor, but now that he was itching for blood, it was easy to see he was a powerful warrior.

Cain stepped into the entryway and pulled the door open, making sure his expression was as unwelcoming as always. Four people stood before him, all but one of them a stranger. Two were very obviously warriors. They were broad and muscular and they glared at Cain as though he were the unwelcome one. Xander had brought bodyguards, how insulting.

The third wolf was shorter than the warriors with a leaner, but no less muscular, build. His hair was black as midnight and he stared up at Cain with inquisitive green eyes, but he wasn't threatening. Cain studied him a moment longer, recognizing the eyes; they were Lou's eyes. This man had to be related to her somehow.

He finally looked at the man closest to him. A man who was only a couple inches shorter than himself, and less muscular. All around smaller. Blue eyes so like his own glared up at him, and the dark curly hair was pulled back in a small bun at the back of his head. Xander hadn't changed a bit since Cain had last laid eyes on him.

"Xander," Cain growled low. "I can hardly say this is a pleasant surprise."

Surprise flared up in the blue eyes, along with recognition at hearing his voice. "Cain? Hardly recognized you."

"I've changed a little. What are you doing here?" Cain had always had a magnificent poker face.

"Aren't you going to invite us in? It's been almost a decade, little brother."

"I highly doubt this is a social call."

"Don't worry, I'm not here about your pack of mutts."

Cain growled low in warning. He would not stand for insults to his pack.

Xander's eyes flared in anger. "Don't make me pull rank on you, little brother. I've always been your superior, and I always will be. Now step aside. I have some questions for you."

Crimson MoonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin