
31 1 4

Tagged by AelinArcheron7

Here we go... again...

Nickname- Bitch, She-Devil, Psychopath, Cray-Cray, Heartless, etc.

Hair Colour- Black. But for some reason, it's lighter on the inside. Why? I don't know. You'd think that it'd be lighter on the outside, but noooo. My body's weird.

Eye Colour- Brown. But they look black in different lighting.

Fun Fact- I could eat four large pizzas, and still be hungry.

Favourite Colour(s)- Black. And don't "it's a shade not a colour" me. Whatever. I don't care. Just pretend it's a colour. Got it? Good.

Favourite Place- My bed. The kitchen. Home.

Favourite Celebrity- Sarah J Maas is my favourite author. Melanie Martinez is my favourite singer. Jennifer Laurence is my favourite actor. I can't choose one o them.

Favourite Song- 2002 by Anne-Marie. I could listen to it forever, and never get tired o it.

Favourite Animal- Heh. Anything that's got big fangs and claws.

Favourite Book- Good God. You expect me to CHOOSE ONE? Here's multiple;

- Throne of Glass series.
- ACOTAR series.
-Divergent (only Divergent, the rest can go away. Especially Allegiant).
-Red Queen series.
-Harry Potter Series.
-Percy Jackson series.

My Tags-


I'm too lazy to do more.

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