I Hate Tags

71 5 22

I hate tags.

That's all I have to say.

I was tagged by ApolloGryffindor101  this time.

Here we go...

1. Do I have a crush?
No, no I don't.

2. What's my middle name?
I suppose I would tell you if I actually knew how to spell it.

3. Height?
Um, idk. Last time I checked I was 5'6... then again last time I checked I was shorter than my mother by a head and now we're the same height...

4. Shoe size?
I think I'm eight and a half or nine. Or both.

5. Eye colour?
Brown, but sometimes they look kinda black. Depends on the lighting.

6. Last time I cried
Uh, I think I was... 6? 7? 5? Idk. Let's just say a long time ago.

7. Biggest fear?
I'm not really scared of anything... I'll say spiders since spiders are nasty.

8. Last song you listened to
Faded by Alan Walker

9. Last person you texted
My friend.

10. Favourite app(s)
Google Docs is a good one too...


Well, that's that.

People I tag:


I pick at random, so don't hate me if you don't like tags.

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