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... I don't necessarily hate my life, just the tags. I hate them With a vengeance. Can't they just disappear off the face of the earth for a while?

1. Are you a Fairy Tail mage?
Why yes, yes I am. And thank you for the new and different questions.

2. What is your favourite tv show?
Once Upon A Time, or Fairy Tail.

3. Who do you love?
Do books count?

4. What is your favourite food?
I like all food, but seafood. Unless it's sushi. I don't like vegetables much either... I I like broccoli. I can stand to have broccoli.

5. Do you read manga?
If I get my hands on a manga, I will gladly read it.

6. Do your parents know you're an otaku?
Uh, I don't know. I think my mom knows I watch anime... that's pretty much it...

7. Who is your BFF on Wattpad?
Dude, I have lots of Wattpad friends. I review to choose.

8. Who is your favourite singer?
I like a lot of singers, and they're all from different genres.

9. Have you ever had a lava lamp?
Yes. A pink one with yellow and red. It currently sits on my dresser.

10. How are you?
Me? I'm just peachy. Other than the fact that I'm practically a vampire and hate the sunlight, I'm doing just fine.

Time for tags.


And there we go.


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