Writing Prompts

3 0 0

under 100 words poem

under 100 word drabble

100 word drabble

100 word poem

over 100 words poem

150 word drabble

200 word drabble

300 word drabble

1000 word super-drabble

over 1000 word poem

over 1000 word oneshot

over 1500 word oneshot

over 2000 word oneshot

over 5000 word oneshot

over 10,000 word oneshot

over 20,000 word oneshot

under 5000 word twoshot

between 5000 and 10,000 word twoshot

over 10,000 word twoshot

over 20,000 word twoshot

over 50,000 word twoshot

under 10,000 word multichapter

between 10,000 and 20,000 word multichapter

between 20,000 and 50,000 word multichapter

over 50,000 word multichapter

over 100,000 word multichapter

multichapter with each chapter under 500 words

multichapter with each chapter under 1000 words

multichapter with each chapter between 1000 and 3000 words

multichapter with each chapter between 3000 and 10,000 words

multichapter with each chapter over 10,000 words

multichapter with each chapter over 20,000 words

haiku (three lined poem)

under 8 lines poem

exactly 8 lines poem

between 8 and 20 lines poem

over 20 lines poem

poem with more than one section (number them or use dividers)

senryu poetry

freeverse poetry

acrostic poetry

blank verse poetry

echo voice poetry

irregular ode poetry

limerick poetry

ottava rima poetry

renga poetry

sonnet poetry

ballade poetry

rhyming couplets poetry

cinquain poetry

lyric poetry

riddle poetry

pantoum poetry

tanka poetry

pindaric ode poetry

regular ode poetry

rondeau poetry

shape poetry

terza rima poetry

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