Something Missing 13

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Stiles finished dinner and noticed his father kept looking over at him watching him carefully. Peter was more in the background with that mug sipping at it and watching every once in a while.

The even weirder part was that Derek was glued to his side in wolf form. His head bumping gently into his hip or leg at times. He noticed that his hand felt like it was at home in that warm coarse fur. That warmth radiating off Derek made his body relax even though his mind was reeling from the fact that he had a huge stretch of time just gone from his memory.

He spoke to his father and even kept reaching out touching his fathers hand or arm or shoulder. Every time he could see tears of happiness welling up in his father's eyes. "Dad... I ... I'm sorry that this is happening..."

John shakes his head and tells him "No Stiles. Son this isn't your fault. And you have been doing so much better lately. Now your back." John reached out and embraced him holding him gently and kissing his forehead. "I'm so happy that you are back again."

Stiles hugged his father tightly and looked over his shoulder seeing Peter watching him without any malice or ill intent.

After dinner he went to the bathroom and Derek followed him only to back away as he went into the bathroom giving him some privacy. He shut the door and looked into his own reflection. His hair was long and wild. His skin looked tanner and healthier than he'd ever seen it. They must be taking care of him more than he'd ever really taken care of himself. He was still lean and his muscles looked slightly leaner but he wasn't skinny or anything.

He pulled his shirt sleeves up to wash his hands when suddenly he spotted the scars around his wrists. He looked down at them and then pulled his button up shirt open and saw something that made him cold.

His torso was covered in burn scars. Small ones but still scars. There were even some cuts that he didn't remember. He tried to remember them but there was just this huge dark nothing. He shook his head and checked the rest of his body in the mirror. He had similar scars on his ankles that he had on his wrists. He had been bound? He pulled his clothes on and cracked open the door looking down at Derek.

He stared down into the red eyes of the alpha wolf fully shifted. He then asked him with a quiver in his voice. "What happened to me?"

The alpha whimpered and shook its head.

Stiles crouched down then and whispered. "Either you tell me or I'll go to Peter and he will tell me. You know what. That's actually a good idea I'll just go ask-" As Stiles moved to stand and go past Derek to go find Peter he was suddenly stopped.

Derek's human form appeared beside him and grabbed his arm gently. "Don't ... please Stiles."

Stiles looked into those green eyes and asked him. "Why?"

Derek's voice sounded wounded. "Because every time you start to remember... you fade away..."

The revelation that this had happened before made Stiles nauseous. He blinked up at Derek and forgetting that the man before him was entirely nude he asked "How many times?"

Derek shook his head. "Only a handful." His hand on his arm was so gentle.

Stiles forgot himself and looked down and Derek's body came into view. He blushed and looked away. "Uh... I..."

Derek let him go and turned grabbing a towel from the bathroom wrapping it around his hips. "Sorry."

Stiles shook his head and replied "Don't mention it... It's a wolf thing right? So it's not weird." It weirdly felt familiar to Stiles. Which was a whole nother problem to his mind. How in the world was he familiar with this? Derek had been standing naked in his hallway!

"Peter doesn't go walking around my house in the buff does he?" Stiles asked.

Derek actually laughed. It was a nice sound. 

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