Missing Something part 4

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Missing Something part 4

The next couple of days were a little confusing for the pack. Seeing their Alpha basically trying to nurse Stiles back to health as a pure wolf was so shocking that more times than not they were all speechless around them.

Everyone except Peter. Who never let a opportunity to make a joke at Derek's expense. He also kept bringing dog toys into the house. Which Derek wanted to chew his legs off every time he had to step over a dog toy on the floor.

But Derek mainly focused on Stiles. On helping him as much as he could. Derek spent a lot of his time being showered with affectionate touches from Stiles. Which was so different than what he was used to that his wolf started to get confused. Derek knew that this was just for Stiles. But inside him, his wolf began to look forward to the time he got to bond with Stiles in this way.

On the third day Derek was sitting in the living room with Stiles with Star Wars on the tv in the background as the pack came in after school to do their homework and come hang out for the evening.

They piled in and left the door open. Derek couldn't say to shut it since he was in his wolf form so he just gave Stiles a little huff against his hair as if to tell him he would be right back and trotted out from under his gentle petting hands and made his way over to the door.

He pushed it to close but someone's boots were in the way. Growling softly he leaned down and snatched them in his maw and tossed them away from the door then turn to push the door closed.

Only it was being closed slowly already.

By Stiles.

Stiles was standing beside him slowly shutting the door and locking it. Derek was so shocked that he just looked up at him. As Stiles slowly looked away from the door he looked back to Derek and reached out softly scratching his ears. There was even a little smile on his lips. Stiles was smiling. Derek yipped with glee and licked Stiles hand.

"See if he will follow you Derek!" Peter whispered from the hallway.

The rest of the pack was standing and sitting in shock watching as Derek nodded and started to walk backwards in his wolf form to see if Stiles would follow him.

Stiles watched as Derek moved backwards. Derek huffed up at him and then backed up a few more steps. Stiles took a few steps to try to be able to reach him. Derek praised him with a soft lick to his hand and then trotted away and spun back around to see if he would follow him.

John was standing on the stairs just gripping the railing with tears brimming in his eyes watching his son take his first few steps after weeks of being catatonic.

Stiles took a few more steps and nearly tripped over a dog toy that Peter left on the floor. Suddenly Derek rushed forward and put his body under Stiles flailing arm catching him and pressing his shoulder into Stiles hip to keep him upright.

Stiles grunted as he held himself up by leaning on Derek. He slowly stood to his full hight and then Slowly Derek took a step forward. Stiles matched that step as he held onto Derek by the fur at the nape of his neck.

Derek then started to take Stiles on a walk around the house slowly leading him one step at a time. One of the pups opened the back door and he lead him out into the back yard where the sun was shining and the soft warm breeze ruffled Derek's fur and Stiles wild hair.

Stiles started to look up at the sky. Then as the pack watched from the back porch he looked around the back yard and down at the grass. Slowly Stiles knelt on the ground and touched the grass.

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