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Stiles sat there in his wheelchair. He was hugging his pillow. He stared at the window. Out into the sky. He remembered when he used to be able to stand outside and look at the sky.

He used to look at the sky turn to darkness. Then the moon would come out. He would just stare up at the moon and thing of green eyes.

His wheel chair was locked into position. He sometimes forgot he was supposed to stay inside and would wheel himself out into the grass and get stuck.

The orderlies would always ask where he was trying to go. And he wouldn't answer them. He would just stare off into the distance. To the forest.

Today was his birthday. The orderlies told him he was 25. He didn't understand time much anymore. Not after his mind had been scrambled years ago.

He sometimes forgot that the lower half of his left leg was gone. He sometimes tried to get up out of his wheel chair and tried to walk.

He would end up on the floor feeling a dull pain where he fell.

The orderlies would tell him he had to stay in his chair.

Sometimes he would wheel himself to sit in the lobby. Waiting for his father. Or Scott.

The orderlies would just ignore him. Sometimes a nurse would show him mercy and tell him that his father had passed away. And that Scott McCall had been missing for years.

Stiles couldn't remember it. Couldn't remember much at all.

He remembered strawberry blonde hair... He remembered puppy eyes... He remembered blonde curls and a scarf... He remembered pain. He remembered fear...

He remembered green eyes... He remembered a black wolf...

Sometimes all he remembered was a black dog.

Big black dog with electric blue eyes.

Stiles doesn't talk. He doesn't remember how.

He doesn't remember how long he has been here.

He doesn't remember not to look into a mirror. It always seems to startle him.

The deep claw marks across his face that tug his lips into a continuous half smirk. The way his right eye has grey over the golden brown. That must be why he see's shadows on his right side. Sometimes he forgets.

He doesn't remember when he didn't see like this.

Then one day he is sitting in his room on the 3rd floor and he is holding his pillow. He cant sleep without it.

And then he looked over to the window and someone is there. Climbing through.

He just stares. He doesn't remember if he is delusional or not. So he waits.

The dark figure stands just inside the window and Suddenly his eyes light up electric blue.


Who is that? Wait was that him? Was he Stiles? He doesn't remember.

He blinks slowly holding his pillow.

The man steps forward slowly. "Stiles? I-I didn't believe it..."

Stiles wondered who this person was. Then slowly he crouched infront of his wheelchair.

The light from his lamp finally hit the mans face.

Stiles slowly smiles. That frown was familiar. He reached out slowly and touched that dark scruff that covered the man's cheeks. He felt real.

The man's blue eyes looked in pain as a tear slipped past dark lashes. Stiles slowly let his fingers brush the tear away. He was still smiling at the crouching man.

"Oh Stiles... I-I'm so sorry... oh god... Stiles... your leg... Your face... Stiles... can you... can you speak..." the man was reaching out and touching his hand.

After a few minutes of nothing happening Stiles remembered that he was supposed to try to talk.

His mouth opens and sound comes out. But it sounds like a jumble of sounds. He frowns down at himself and tries again. But now only a whimper comes out. He looks back to the man in front of him.

Green eyes filled with tears as he holds onto his hand. The man starts to beg forgiveness for leaving him. He says things that don't make sense. Like how he should have taken Stiles with him years ago. Should have taken care of him.

But Stiles just smiles at the man. He smelled nice. Stiles leans in and sniffs at his hair. Making a soft happy noise he nuzzles into his dark hair. Then there are arms around him.

It scares him. Whimpering he tenses.

The arms leave suddenly and the green eyed man is appologizing again.

Stiles smiles just looking at him. The man is crying on his knees in front of him.

Stiles just reaches out and runs his fingers through his dark soft hair. The man lays his head in his lap. Stiles isnt sure but it sounds like the man is in pain. Like an animal.

Stiles remembers a big black dog with blue eyes. He pets the man's hair thinking of the dog.

He feels the man slip his arms around his waist. Stiles doesn't tense. He just pets the mans hair.


Looking back down at him he sees green eyes looking up at him. Derek. He remembers and tries to say Sourwolf. But all that comes out is "Surrwfff"

Derek lets another tear fall and caresses his cheek as he lifts up and kisses his cheek over the claw marks. "Yes Stiles it's me. I... I came as soon as I heard... I am so sorry... I should have been here. Protecting you... I... I am going to take care of you Stiles..." Then Stiles was being lifted into strong arms and he hung onto his pillow tightly.

He doesn't remember if this is a dream or not. Does he dream?

Then the man he cant remember with green eyes is carrying him out of the window and jumping to the ground.

He doesn't remember to be scared. He just hangs onto the green eyed man's shoulders. He smells nice. Stiles lays his cheek against the man's neck and smiles as he just breathes in his scent. Then he is set inside a dark shiny car.

The green eyed man caresses his shoulder or hair or hand as they drive away from Eichen House. "It will be okay Stiles. I will take care of you... I promise I will never leave you again..."

Stiles smiles again. He was a nice man. He had missed him. He had missed Derek. It was nice that Derek had remembered him. Even after he forgot about himself. And everything else. But he remembered this wolf. His wolf. Stiles just looks at him. Smiling. Content.

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