Missing Something 7

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Stiles saw the pup smile then. And pet his hair. "Puppy..."

The golden eyes brimming with tears gaze at him and Stiles just smiled.


Stiles looked over at where the noise came from. A wolf with dark brown hair and a crooked jaw. Wait... Stiles stepped forward and reached out and touched the crooked jaw. Something familiar. Something he'd seen before. He touched the jaw and tilted his head in confusion. He saw a boy. A kid really. A child in a sand box. One with a crooked jaw and curly brown hair. He knew... something? What did he know?

His head hurt. Rubbing his temple he turned away and took a breath.

"It's okay Stiles. I'm right here buddy. I can wait for however long you need." The wolf with a crooked jaw was talking but Stiles still couldn't understand what it meant. What did it mean? Why couldn't he understand? Why?

He did feel something though. Something that made one word bloom inside him. "Brother." Stiles whispered it and looked back at the wolf.

Tears started streaming down the wolf's cheeks. "Yeah Stiles... Yeah brother." Brother wolf reached out hesitantly to Stiles and he reached out taking hold of the wolf's hand.

Something was warm in Stiles chest. He smiled at Brother.

He saw something then. A memory. It made him let go of Brother and stumble back he was about to fall when strong arms and a familiar scent wrapped around him. He saw Brother screaming his name. Saw him covered in blood and wounds.

Gripping Wolf and clinging to him as he fought to get away from the memories that plagued him he let out pained noises. "No!"

There was a man hurting him. Over and over. "No!"

He screamed and suddenly everything went black as he lost consciousness.


Derek saw it coming. He could smell Stiles scent turn sour. He caught him before he could fall and he held him as he had the episode. He tried to call for him to help him come back to himself. But The fear and pain poured into his scent and it was too much as his heart raced and pounded and suddenly after letting out a scream Stiles went limp and unresponsive.

"What did I do? Oh god no what did I do?" Scott cried out in fear.

"It wasn't you. He started to remember you... then he started to remember himself and it was too much." Peter was standing on the porch watching from a distance with a sad look in his eyes. "It's hard to come back from something that breaks your mind so completely..."

"How do we help him? What's it going to take to heal his mind?" Erica asked as she stood close to Derek who was holding Stiles in his arms.

Peter sighed and shook his head. "It took me 7 years... but... I didn't have a pack to help me come back..."

They all went silent.


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