Raiding Party

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Derek hit the ground rolling in the dirt of the village his body filled with pain. His mouth filled with the taste of his own blood as he slowly tried to get back up to his knees but a heavy boot kicked hard between his shoulder blades and he hit the dirt again.

Coughing and groaning in pain he felt fingers fist into his sweaty dirty hair and yank up. Pulling him up to his knees as he growled weakly in pain.

The hunters were dragging him into the middle of the village now. He saw his uncle Peter already strung up and chained to the stake. They were going to burn them. No. No he couldn't let this happen. Cora was up to the right of Peter she was chained to the stake and unconscious.

There was a silver blade embedded in her stomach.

He roared and thrashed against the hunters baring his fangs and claws again.

But they were wrapping silver chains around his body and around his neck. They pulled him along the dirt with the chain around his neck. Choking him and leaving him weak.

The villagers were all in their doorways. Cowering. The last time this had happened Derek had been 16. They had came and took most of his family... some of the villagers had been lead by a couragous woman who tried to stop the hunters from killing the wolves... They had died along side of his family that day.

The hunters picked him up and pushed him up against the 3rd stake and chained him to it. He looked over at Peter who was laughing like a maniac. His mind had broken. Cora who was probably dying... and then he looked up and spit blood in the old hunters face.

It got him a few hits across his face with silver rings.

Blood drooled out of his mouth and he glared at the man that was about to kill him.

"Look at you... What good are those red eyes boy? They didn't help your mother... and they wont help you. Monster." Gerard hissed at him.

Derek growled again. Deep and low.

Suddenly a horse came galloping into the village square and it was riderless as it dragged a body behind it.

The hunters stopped the horse and cut the body of one of their raiding party loose. The horse then ran away. Derek looked closely hearing a hissing noise he didn't understand.

Until he saw the fuse.

Burning shorter and shorter into the man's jacket as 5 hunters crouch around it to inspect the man. Then suddenly the dynamite exploded in a huge flash of heat and sound that nearly deafened him.

He heard screaming and then suddenly arrows started to fly through the sky. Hitting the hunters over and over. They scrambled and fled trying to find cover. A carriage that was pulled by two huge clydsdales ran through the square running over some of the hunters. Then as there were only a couple of hunters left suddenly a lean figure came out of the alley way and threw knives fast and killed two of the men. Blades sticking out of their eyes as they landed in the dirt.

Then the figure held a sword and chopped the head off the second to last man.

That was when Derek yelled for him to watch out. But it was too late. Gerard had snuck up behind him and put a blade to the unknown person's throat.

Derek roared straining against the chains.

But before Gerard could draw the blade across that throat there was a huge flash of light as lightning seemed to strike the figure and Gerard over and over. A pained scream filled the air but was over come with the sound of thunder exploding all around them.

Then the lightning stopped and Gerard fell to the dirt... nothing but a burnt husk. But the cloaked figure stood there staring down at the husk of the killer. Sliding the sword back into his scabord he turned and walked up to Derek and started to unlock the chains.

His eyes glowed with white lightning and he ... It ... it was Stiles... The fox... the mischievous boy that he had kept safe the first time the hunters came for them all. The boy that he had cried with as his younger self over the graves of both their mothers. The outcast of the village because he was the only Were-fox. But he was so damn clever.

Of course he had been the one to use dynamite and a runaway carraige... Clever fox.

When his neck had been released from the choke chain he coughed out his name. "S-sti-Stiles!"

The fox was pulsing with light and power and he could see his power was close to over taking him. He had to hold onto his humanity or he would turn into a Dark Fox.

Stiles hands were shaking and Derek reached out and touched his hands when he was finally released and his skin hurt to touch. It shocked him a little. But he took hold of him. "Stiles! Stiles come back!!"

He saw those white eyes crackle with energy and he saw no reaction. Derek couldn't let this happen to him. Couldn't let Stiles fall into darkness. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him. It hurt. He was being shocked and the electricity burned him but he felt it. Felt Stiles. Felt his humanity slam back into him.

The lightning snapped off and the living storm that was Stiles calmed in his arms. He reached up and held onto Derek and they kissed deeply as Scott and Isaac were untying Cora and Peter who were banged up but going to live. Even Cora. The stab wound wasn't deep and no organs were hit.

The kiss was still burning Derek. But not because of being shocked. No. It burned deep into the soul of his wolf. The fox in his arms. The clever fearless mischevious fox in his arms... was his mate. The kiss had sealed their fate together. This was unheard of. Foxes and Wolves don't get along. Ever... their had never been a mated pair before. Before now. Before Derek and Stiles. Before he had kissed Stiles.

When the kiss finally broke he pulled back and Stiles had blinked up at him with beautiful honey colored eyes and smirked. "I don't think a first kiss is supposed to taste like blood Derek..." He chuckled softly.

Derek just caressed his mates cheek and held him closer. "Sorry... I will just have to try to make you forget about the taste..." Then he kissed Stiles deeper and pressed him up against the wall his tongue sliding against Stiles nimble clever infuriating tongue. Dancing in a wild sensual heated kiss. And when Stiles moaned and arched his back he knew the lithe fox had forgotten about the taste. "You saved us."

Stiles just winked up at him. "Well... someone had to."

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