Feral Stiles 2

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It was the full moon tonight. Derek had been leaving offerings of meat and jerky in the meadow every day. He hadn't seen the fox in days. But he'd smelled his scent fresh and saw that his offerings were being taken each day.

Derek felt his wolf scratching below his surface demanding control. But he was a born wolf. He knew how to control himself.

He decided that he would go out and wait in the woods for Stiles. On the full moon he might need his help. And Derek decided that if it came to it. He would capture Stiles if he needed to.

He waited at the edge of the meadow as the sun fell below the horizon. He'd convinced Scott to take the pack on the other side of the preserve. TO give him some privacy so that Stiles might trust him enough to show himself.

As the moon rose in the sky he heard pained whines coming from the other side of the meadow. He smelled Stiles fox form. He also smelled pain.

The fox stumbled into the meadow and fell to the grass. He was writhing in the grass and his form kept trying to shift into his human form. But it kept getting stuck. Pained choked sounds came from him.

Derek ran to him as swiftly and quietly as he could. He skidded to a halt beside him. "Stiles. It's okay. Just calm down you can do this. The moon is pulling your shift. Just let it happen naturally. Don't fight it."

The fox writhed and yipped in pain baring it's teeth and snarling at him.

Derek frowned as he knelt down and reached out touching the fox pulling his pain. He felt the sharp little teeth of the fox biting his wrist drawing blood. He didn't flinch. Just took the pain. "You can do this Stiles. Just let go."

With a pained snarl Stiles form started to shift into his human form. It took a few moments of pained snarls and enraged yells coming out of Stiles half shifted form. He was not in his human body but his face was still in the shift.

The scent of him hit Derek like a goddamn mack truck. Stiles. He was back.

Derek was so happy to see Stiles in his own skin that he didn't even register the attack until Stiles was clawing at him. His claws raked across his chest as he lunged up and bit at Derek's arm.

"Fuck! Stiles!" Derek let out a pained growl and it only made Stiles afraid.

Stiles was thrashing and kicking and clawing at him. Derek didn't want him to run so he kept hold of him, until Stiles got his feet under his stomach and pushed throwing him off of him and a few yards away.

Derek landed on his feet and Stiles scrambled up to his feet growling and snarling naked under the moon half shifted baring his teeth at Derek.

Derek shook his head. "No Stiles. I'm not here to hurt you. Here. Don't you remember?" He pulled out the jerky in his pocket. "I've been leaving you something to eat for the past week."

Stiles snarls stuttered to a stop and he just kept growling.

It was an improvement. A small one but at least an improvement. "Yes Stiles see. Food. See. No danger. I'm not here to hurt you." He holds the jerky up more towards Stiles. "Here do you want it?"

Stiles crouches down on his haunches still growling. His eyes glowing blue in the dark. His fangs still bared at Derek. But atleast he wasn't running away.

Derek decided to slowly crouch as well. Getting on the same level was a sign of friendliness. He then tossed one of the hunks of jerky to stiles.

Stiles never took his eyes off Derek. He reached out and caught it in the air and growled as he brought it up and started to eat it messily with his hands as if he forgot how to properly use them. He cupped his hands and held the jerky and ate it out of his own hands still staring at Derek watching for an attack.

Any move Derek made Stiles would hesitate and growl warningly at him. "It's okay Stiles it's yours I wont take it from you."

Stiles finished the jerky and licked his fangs and lips and looked at the jerky in Derek's hand.

"You want more? Here. Take it." Derek held it out to him.

The growls got louder as he slowly crawled forward. He was tense like he would sprint off at any moment.

"Its okay Stiles. It's yours. Here. Take it." Derek made a soft whining noise in the back of his throat to show Stiles he was friendly.

Stiles stilled and tilted his head a bit and slowly crawled from side to side indecisively not sure his growls were quieter now.

Derek softly whined again in a show of friendliness and held the jerky towards him again.

Stiles slowly crawled forward and it took long stretches of tense moments until Stiles reached up and bit the jerky taking it from Derek's hand and then backing up and eating it crouched away from him.

It broke Derek to see the humanity gone from Stiles. He had been so smart and cunning. Now he was... feral.

Derek stayed crouched incase Stiles ran. He stayed there under the moonlight watching Stiles eat.

He heard a happy yip come from Stiles as he licked his lips and turned back to Derek expectantly.

"Do you want more?" Derek dug into his pocket for more. Stiles instantly started to crawl towards him. Derek pulled out the jerky and Suddenly Stiles was barreling into him knocking him over and his clumsy mouth was mawing at his hand trying to get the jerky but not biting hard enough to draw blood. Derek lay there on the long grass and let Stiles eat the jerky out of his hand as he was wriggling ontop of him. He pawed at the source of the scent of the jerky. Dereks pocket as he ate what was in his mouth.

"Greedy." Derek laughed softly as he shook his head. "There's no more."

Stiles didn't believe him apparently. He leaned down and snuffled at his jeans pocket pawing at his jeans making yipping noises.

"Stiles careful down there Uff." He had the air knocked out of him when stiles pawed right across his clothed member.

"Stiles stop." His eyes glowed blue as he held back his wolf.

Stiles yipped again and gnawed at his hip.

"Ah Stiles stop." Derek slowly put his hands on his shoulders pushing him slowly not to scare him.

Stiles wriggled and yipped and snuffled at his hand licking it of the last of the jerky residue. Stiles was basically straddling Derek and licking his hand clean. He made an unhappy noise when the taste was gone and started to gnaw at Derek's hand yipping. He wasn't biting hard enough to break skin.

"It's okay pup. I'll bring you more. Very soon. Or... You could come with me and I'll feed you some hot food." Derek was trying his best but he was basically speaking to a animal.

Stiles started to sniff at whatever part of Derek he could reach now. Derek tried to stay as still as possible even as his wolf was tearing at his will to come to the surface. Derek whined again to show he wasn't a threat.

Stiles yipped and sniffed at Derek's hair and ears and neck. He then nipped at Derek's jaw yipping softly.

Derek blushed deeply realizing that Stiles had misunderstood. His instincts had taken Derek's behavior as a type of courting and he was now accepting.

Something snapped inside Derek. He'd just unintentionally courted Stiles' inner fox. He let out a pitiful whine mixed with his own wolf's deeply pleased growl.

Before he could stop it Stiles started to scent him by rubbing his face and neck against Derek's neck and jaw yipping as he went.

It threw his wolf into the drivers seat for a moment breaking his control. Derek shifted and growled and rolled so that he was ontop of Stiles crouching over him.

Stiles stretched his neck up showing his submission and even arched his back showing Derek his stomach. He whined and panted softly.

Derek's mouth was hovering over his neck his fangs bared about to accept the submission and give him a affectionate bite but Derek ripped the control back and he suddenly lunged away from Stiles and started running. He ran as fast as he could away from Stiles. He had nearly accepted what Stiles was offering him out of instinct.

He'd nearly betrayed Stiles trust. Derek couldn't do that. Not when Stiles wasn't in his right mind. He wouldn't.

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