Still, she couldn't see how being engaged to the other heir solved anything. She knew her duty, to promise a greater future for the pack, and that couldn't be done if she was married to Damian. That would only give the pack generations of torture forever, like her life would be torture. Her poor future children, will be half-blooded, with noble Pelisian, and savage Serius. They'll probably have split personalities, and all kinds of other issues. What kind of father would Damian be? What kind of husband? The thoughts began to terrify her.

She stopped short in front of Raul's little bungalow that he stayed in on a monthly rent. As soon as he had turned 18, he had insisted on moving out to live on his own, much to his mother's dismay. For 10 months he had been staying in the cute little house, affording it by working for another Lobain and his family. Kayla rather liked his place, it matched him perfectly and he seemed happy enough there. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it. When he answered his eyes widened in utter shock to see her standing out in the cold.

"What are you doing!? Trying to freeze to death, do your parents know you're out?" He asked looking around.

"No", she said simply, "Come on a walk with me."

He sighed, reaching back to grab a coat and joined her outside. They walked in silence for awhile thinking about everything.

"So how are uncle Anthony and aunt Bernese doing?" Raul asked finally.


"Oh... What about you?"

She sighed, feeling the icy air in her lungs, "I don't know, I just feel... cold."

"Well, maybe that's because we're outside, in the cold." He tried humorlessly. It didn't produce the smile he was hoping for, just a strained grimace. "Look, Cuz, I'm here for you, alright? We'll figure out this mess."

That lifted her spirits a bit. Raul had a way of making her feel better in the worst of times, and she knew there was truth in the words he spoke. She had two years to figure everything out, during that time she could find an alternative way to bring peace between the enemy packs. Something that wouldn't make her parents pass hate between each other, and sentence her to a life beside a brute. Raul would help her find a better way, and Cody would too.

The streetlights illuminated their path as they walked. They were making their way to the mountain they liked to climb, to look at the valley. Now, she was really pleased, as the wheels began to spin in her head, ideas flowed effortlessly to her. She would bounce them off Raul and keep the better ones to present to Cody. A bloodred truck roared by them, as soon as the driver saw them he slammed the brakes. The car screeched in high pitched tones that made their sensitive ears want to crack, the ice carried the car a little further until it finally stopped nearly pummeling over trashcans.

Kayla and Raul stared at it, stunned. He stepped forward to see if the passengers were alright, but the doors opened and four figures stepped out of it. Raul stiffened when he realized who they were.

"Serians." He muttered back to Kayla.

The largest and oldest in the group, at 19 years old, was Damian's older brother, Kevin.

"Well, well, well", he said amused, "If it isn't my little brother's fiance out with a friend. How interesting, I wonder what my father would say?" He thought out loud. The wolves behind him chuckled mischievously.

"He's my cousin", Kayla hissed, "What do you want?"

A short and stocky member of their posse spoke up, he had a screeching voice and sneering face, "We want to talk. So how about you bring yourself over here."

Raul growled, and Kayla scoffed at them in disbelief, "You don't tell me what to do." She said matter of factly.

The Serius men looked at her dumbfounded, "Is she for real?" A skinny member said to Kevin.

Kevin grumbled, then smiled maliciously, "We'll come to you, then."

As they began to advance forward, Raul made himself stand taller, glaring daggers at them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He warned.

They paused for a moment. And laughed at him. The chortling went on for quite awhile. Raul didn't relax a bit, he just narrowed his eyes at them. Kevin suddenly stopped, as did the others immediately after him.

"Oh, you were serious?" He sounded flabbergasted.

"What can you do to us!?" A girl threatened.

They all simultaneously began closing in on Raul and Kayla. She held her ground, while Raul braced in front of her protectively. He stared Kevin in the eye and dared him to try something. Before long they were face to face with each other. Their breath twisted over one another like flames. Kevin slightly taller by a couple inches, but Raul was unafraid. In fact, he welcomed the challenge. A smirk played on his lips, and a sharp grin stretched over Kevin's. Muscles tensed and claws began to sharpen, ready to tear.

Just then, a police car pulled up. The window lowered and a stern officer stuck his head out, "Is there any trouble here?" He asked accusingly to Kevin and Raul.

Kevin glanced at him and sniggered, "Nope, no problem at all officer. I was just leaving." He stepped backward, not breaking his gaze from Raul. "See you around." He called calmly and climbed back into the truck. His posse following behind closely.

"Man", the short one whined, "humans get in the way of everything."

"Shut up." Kevin snapped. He revved the engine and they drove down the street. When car twisted around a bend, the officer turned to Kayla and Raul.

"You two should head home, it's late."

They departed without another word. The officer quickly took a couple notes on them and on the license plate of the truck, before continuing on his patrol. Raul escorted Kayla to her house, they silently leapt over the fence into the back yard, and trudged straight to her window. A breeze had blown snow through and small puddles soaked her carpet. She didn't have the energy to mind it.

"Do you think they noticed I was gone?" She asked him before he could leave.

He shrugged, "Maybe. Guess you'll find out soon enough." He winked, obviously proud that he didn't have to rely on a curfew placed by his parents. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye." she said softly as he disappeared.

After he was gone, she closed the window and laid back on her bed. The house was quiet now, her room dark. She didn't bother to turn on the lights, she planned to sleep soon. The encounter with the Serians fresh on her mind. It gave her a very bad feeling, that things were going to go very wrong, very fast.

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