In gasped and started to cry.

"No...not again..." I mumbled as I covered my mouth.

Obito looked to me in question. I shook my head and he tried to come closer to me. I shook my head again and bolted off of my bed to my bathroom and sat in the corner to cry. The last time that happened I...killed someone...precious to me.

"Kitten open up!!! Kitten-chan open the door!!!" Obito said in his high pitched Tobi voice.

The others must have heard the door slam and came to see what was wrong.

"Kitten, what is it?" I heard Itachi ask.

I left out a loud sob no doubt surprising the ninja outside the door. I heard someone fiddling with the lock and remembered they weren't normal people. Itachi must have got a senbon or something. I got into the cabinet and locked myself in there.

"Kitten, come out of there," Itachi said softly.

I heard his feet hit against the floor softly as he stepped into the bathroom in front of the cabinet. I let out a few sobs. I didn't want to relive what happened that day. All of a sudden the door was opened and I was being cradled in someone's arms.

"No! Let me go!!! Please!!" I yelled at them as I hit their chest. "Please...please...please..."

I kept chanting please over and over again as I stopped struggling and just curled into them sobbing softly. I felt my head be lifted up and I stared into Obito's eye covered by his mask. I just sobbed and shook my head.

"Tell us what's wrong Kitten..." Konan said softly.

I closed my eyes refusing to open them as I shook my head. I felt myself be lied down and I curled into the bed.

"I never wanted that to happen again..." I said softly through the sobs.

"What happened? You have to tell us!" Itachi said.

I knew they were all looking at me and waiting.

"She isn't going to say so I will," a voice spoke up.

My eyes bolted open to see Cheshire standing in my doorway with Sasori. She looked at me in sadness. I shook my head at her but she only sighed.

"That is the whole reason why she doesn't get mad. She forces herself to stay calm all the time and puts up a facade to cover up how hurt and angry she is..." Cheshire started.

I shook my head harder trying to get rid of the memories that came into my head as she went on.

"Her parents and sister were killed in front of her but no one knew but me and her. She woke up beside her parents' and sister's mutilated bodies. She remembered bits and pieces but she couldn't speak for weeks. She was unresponsive for a long time because once she remembered, she heard her sister say something about her having red eyes and when she woke she realized it was her who killed them," Cheshire finished sadly.

I shook my head as everyone looked to me.

"T-that's why I d-don't get m-mad!" I sobbed.

I started to cry really hard, much harder than I've ever cried. I curled into the bed more and felt something run down my hands. I was numb to everything, I didn't feel pain, I didn't hear anything. All I felt was the warm liquid falling from my eyes and hands.

I felt something warm on my arm prying my hands open but I couldn't hear anything. I didn't want to speak, to hear, to relive the moments of the past. Something soft was put on my hands that soaked up the blood.

It was a while until I quit crying and even then I didn't completely. I still cried but there was no noise. Just silent tears of all the sadness and loneliness I felt. Everyone but Obito had left a while ago and he just stayed right beside me.

"Are you done now?" he asked as he wiped my tears away.

I nodded slightly with a small sniffle. He wiped away the last tear and handed me a plate.

"You need to eat now all right?" he asked softly.

I nodded and he helped me sit up so I could eat. I noticed there was four big pieces of chicken and I knew I couldn't eat it all so I guessed that he didn't eat because he was waiting on me.

"I'm sorry you had to wait on me..." I said to him.

"It wasn't your fault," he said with a smile.

I looked down but he made me look up.

"It wasn't your fault," he said a bit firmer. "Now eat."

I nodded and started eating as he did. He made me eat two pieces as he did the others and he made me drink a glass of water. I felt better but not much. He smiled but I just looked out the window. I heard him sigh and he made me look to him then he shoved something in my mouth.

My eyes widened then I got a good taste of whatever it was and sighed happily. Dango is so good!!!! I glared at Obito seeing a smug expression on his face as he smiled. It was then I shoved a pixie stick into his mouth making him swallow the sugar inside.

"What is this stuff?!!" He asked with a large smile.

"That is a pixie stick, nothing but sugar and a bit of flavoring," I said.

I smiled as he ripped open three and poured them all on his tongue. I giggled and he just smiled. His teeth were three different colors thanks to the mixture.

"Your teeth are three different colors Obito!" I giggled.

He smiled and I giggled more. He went to the bathroom and burst into laughter as he saw his teeth.

"Told you~!" I said to him.

He came out of my bathroom with a large smile as I did back.

"What other things do you have in this world?" he asked me.

It was then I got an awesome idea.

"How about tomorrow I take you all shopping to Walmart?" I asked him.

He caught on and an evil glint appeared in his eye. He nodded.

"I can't wait until then," he said.

"It is going to be a fun day tomorrow but I think we should go to sleep..." I said with a slight yawn.
"Why Kitten?" he asked.

"Well if you haven't seen the time yet it is midnight and I want to sleep," I said with a more obvious yawn.

He nodded and I went into my bathroom to change into my pajamas. The only pair that was clean was my Akatsuki tank top and my Akatsuki pajama pants that had 'I'm a god boy!' on them. I cursed myself when I went into the room and Obito smirked.

"Don't patronize me I have no more clean pajamas!" I said with a pout as he snickered.

He just held his hands up in defense and I crawled in bed. Obito fell asleep and I felt his arms snake around my waist. I blushed as I was pulled to his chest. The dude had crazy strength! I couldn't get out so I tried to make myself comfy and drifted into sleep.

I hope everyone liked the chapter. I have revealed Kitten's past! Poor girl but a tragedy had to happen somewhere so yeah... Anyways I hope you liked it and you better not say anything Obito.

Obito: ...

Me: Good. You really are a good boy!! Bye!!! X3




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