Chapter 1

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Just a little warning for all of you out there, there will be cussing and I am feeling really lazy about censoring it so I am not going to censor cussing just to let you know so I hope you like it.

Hi, my name is Kitten. I have brown hair with natural highlights, eyes that are forest green around the outside going into a dark brown on the inside, and I am very pale, and I mean like Sasuke pale, complexion when in the sun. My insomnia makes these rings around my eyes you could say that look like a bluish-greenish-gray color sometimes.

I am what you would call a Narutard. I am totally in love with the show, manga, everything about it. I even have an Itachi plushy and also an Akatsuki cloud blanket that has the Akatsuki's ring symbols. I am not one of those fan-girls though. I dislike people like that and will never be in an imaginary relationship with one of them. It's just too weird.

My name is Kitten because when I was younger my family all died. All I could remember was that they used to call me Kitten and I couldn't remember my original name so I just went by that. I am 21 turning 22 with no life and one friend. I am working on my college degree on art and writing.

I just happened to be watching Naruto, my favorite anime in the world. I loved the show and the manga. Let's just say I am working on collecting all of them. I just finished the last available episode of Naruto and happened to look at the clock. I shrugged seeing it said 9:30 a.m. I then took a double take and panicked.

"Dear fucking Jashin! I need to go to my class!" I yelled.

I hurried to my closet hastily shutting my laptop and nearly tripping over my own two feet. Once I regained my balance I rummaged through my clothes and found a red dress with black ruffles making up the skirt. I put a black shawl around my shoulders and threw on a black pair of flats and started to run out the door.

I did not own a car sadly and I lived 10 minutes (by car) away from my college. I was half way there when I stopped dead in the middle of the side walk and face palmed.

"What am I thinking? I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, not on Saturdays..." I mumbled to myself.

I noticed I stopped outside a sweets store. I grinned largely at my luck. I walked in and saw my one and only friend Cheshire was working. I was a bit confused but then remembered her saying something about she had a part time job.

"Hey Cheshire!" I said cheerily.

She looked to me and immediately hopped over the counter to hug me. Cheshire had dark red hair with lighter red streaks in it all natural though. Her eyes were sea foam blue with green flecks in them topping it all off and she was pale but not as pale as me thankfully.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

She was half serious and half joking. She was usually so...emotionless, like Itachi or Pein. It was cool but sometimes got on my nerves but she knew when to have fun and how to have it too.
"I thought I had a class today," I said to her.

She sighed and shook her head. I motioned to the counter where she had customers. She did a flip over the counter and retook her place behind it to serve them. I giggled as she went into her 'Make sure the customers are happy' mode.

I looked around the shop and found exactly what I was looking for. I grabbed three boxes of pocky and about 16 dango sticks. I heard a snicker and turned around to find Cheshire looking at me trying to stifle her laugh. I puffed out my cheeks like a small girl would and she burst out laughing scaring a few people.

I laughed softly and got in line with the other customers. Once it was my turn she snickered at my choices. She knew I would get these anyway so I just smiled lightly at her. I paid for everything then waved to her. She waved back and I started walking to my house. I was almost there when I stubbed my toe on a box, just lying in the middle of the sidewalk.

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