Chapter 8

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"Hidan!! Deidara!! Get in here now!!" I yelled through my house.

Immediately everyone ran into the living room to find me furious and gawking at the mess. The only ones that didn't were Hidan and Deidara.

I growled moving around the mound of broken glass and ripped furniture mixed with red blood and pieces of white stuff I knew as explosive clay. I grabbed a sword from its place in the wall.

"Hey Kakuzu, you still have your stitch abilities and you can still make stuff right Sasori?" I asked with enough malice to make both go wide eyed and flinch.

I knew my eyes were onyx. Just wait a bit then the party begins.They both nodded and I smiled sadistically.

"Good because soon..." I said to them. " are going to need those abilities after I am done."

I then went through each room looking for the boys. They were good at hiding but that is to be expected of them. I heard shuffling and went to my music room. I looked behind my piano to find Hidan still bleeding.

"You dick..." I mumbled my voice rising. "Not only did you do what I said not to but you also came into my music room after I said you couldn't and got blood on my piano!"

Hidan shrunk in on his self and I raised my sword. Before my sword could make contact I froze in my spot. I smirked as I looked behind to find Sasori.

"Nice try but when I'm mad my strength is greater than anything!" I said evilly as I brought my sword down and cut off Hidan's head.

Sasori seemed shocked I broke his chakra strings. I just walked past him and threw my sword with Hidan's blood on it at Hidan's arm cutting his hand off. I grabbed another from the wall to find Deidara.

His wasn't going to be as bad. I'll just cut off his hair or something. I can't have fun with him because he's not immortal. I smirked at an idea I had. I found Deidara in my garden and he tried to run out to my pond.

I smirked and threw my sword. It pinned his arm to the tree I had. I had other knives on me so I pulled those from my clothes. I threw another pinning his other hand to the tree. I threw two more pinning both his legs down.

"Next time you trash my house you won't be so lucky..." I said as I walked to him.

"Y-your eyes are r-red, un!" He whimpered.

"I told you my eyes will change. This is one of the times when I'm really mad. Don't ever get me this mad again or else it won't end well!" I spat viciously.

At that I stabbed my last knife into the bark of the tree right beside his head barely missing his ear. I walked back into the house getting many stares ask did. I glared at everyone and the only one that didn't flinch at my red eyes was Obito. the world then started to spin.

"I don't fe-el good..." I said as I started to feel dizzy. "...m-maybe I should.."

I fell into Obito then the world went black. I woke in my bed wondering why I couldn't remember anything. I felt the bed shift and I was turned around to face Obito with his mask off.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

I looked to him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You don't remember do you?" he asked with a slightly shocked expression.

I shook my head no and he sighed. I got worked at that point and sat up fidgeting with my fingers.

"Your eyes turned black then red. You cut off Hidan's head and left hand then you pinned Deidara to a tree with knives by throwing them through his hands and legs," Obito said answering my unspoken question.

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