Match 1I

158 5 21

Rules are simple. Vote for the story below that you prefer. Story with the most votes will advance onto the next round. No voting for yourself (this includes creating or using alternate accounts), and no voting more than once on one match. If you have any questions feel free to message me.

Story 1:

 Among Dragons I xSpeechless

Eris has been living inside of her head for as long as she could remember, constantly imagining worlds full of adventure and mystery. They were all so much better than her current world which she was so eager to escape. She could become anyone she wanted to be, and do the things she wanted to do. Only when she discovers that her reality is much like what she used to only consider fantasy, can she be as strong as she always envisioned?

Story 2:

 The Night Rider I CaptainSarcastic101

Remember when your mother said, 'Everyone has a choice in life. What you do in life is up to you.'

She lied.

I have been fighting for a very long time and I've never had a choice.

Until now.

Either I save the world, again and again, bound for an eternity. Or I can destroy it with one single thought. I may have lost my name, my family and some say even my sanity, but there is one thing that no one can take away from me.

My humanity.

I am the Night Rider. Many fear me. If you choose to read this there is no going back. You will soon see who I am and why I do what I do. But only if you choose to.

A word of warning for you. This is not full of happy little fluffy bunnies who bounce happily around a field of sunshine. So if that's what your looking for, go search somewhere else because this isn't the book for you.

Oh. And if you think I'm one of the good guys, your sorely mistaken.

The people of earth have waited for a decade for these answers.

Do you think you can handle it?

You're absolutely sure. Ok, then. Don't go crying to your mother when you find out.

Are you ready?

There's no turning back now.

I've made my choice.

It's time for you to make yours.

WATTPAD SEPTEMBER 2014 READ OF THE MONTHWhere stories live. Discover now