Chapter 64

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(Final Chapter) : A Blissful Tale

Within 3 months, the Man Tribe from Xi Bei caused an unrest in the border. Yan Ping volunteered to deal with the matter.

5 days after he left, Consort Yu seek attendance.

I no longer had any interest to toy with this former enemy of mine. The scar that she had inflicted on me had been healed by His Majesty's warmth.

I regarded her as a totally unrelated passerby in my life.

Consort Yu was dressed modestly; no matter what, if one peel off the layer of loftiness from her, she was just a piece of leaf amongst a mountain of others in this troubled world. She had a pitiful existence, every single movement was not her's to decide.

She respectfully greeted me. As she prostrated herself at my feet, a rare sort of kindness rose in my heart. Maybe my pregnancy softened my heart.

Consort Yu directed her eyes on my round stomach. E Huang anxiously covered my stomach with a cloth, causing me to laugh incredulously.

I smiled as I invited her to sit. She thanked me.

After settling down in her seat, she gave me a bitter smile, "Ever since chenqie knows Your Ladyship, you have always been living to your own whim, doing things your own way. So many years have passed and you have not changed. Chenqie envy that part of you."

I wanted to boast to her that I had a reliable father who only thought of his daughter, unlike her own that sold her off for wealth. But that seemed too harsh. It was enough for me to know my Father's own good.

Boasting seemed too shallow.

"Everyone's situations are not the same," I vaguely replied her while rubbing my own stomach. I needed to collect good karma for my child. Hurting others was a sin, the gods would never forgive me if I did that.

She gave me a desolate smile, containing a complex mixture of emotions that I would never understand. She solemnly begged me to send her to Bao Ji Temple to become a nun, to serve the empress dowager.

I never had the opportunity to really know her before. I never had the desire to reconcile with her either. Nowadays, although we were both in the palace, our situations were too different.

Someone once told me that before Yan Ping left, Consort Yu blocked his way in the imperial garden, crying and kicking a huge fuss. Nobody knew what they were talking about.

Even His Majesty knew that matter. But, it seemed like he had grown used to being given the green hat. He was not angry at all, simply entrusting the matter to me.

I once suspected that he had a problem somewhere. I asked him, "Your Majesty seemed quite forgiving when it comes to green hats. You are never angry; how comforting. Seems like I can cheat on you one day, and does not need to fear about losing my head."

He was so angry when he heard that. He...... pushed me to the bed.

Because of my huge stomach, he could only settle with pulling my ears. He warned me with a dark face, "I don't care about other women, but if you dare to cheat on me, I will cut off your legs!"

He did not care if those women in the harem were having affairs?

What kind of a person were you, Your Majesty? Wasting grains to feed other men's women....

I naturally did not have the guts to ask that out loud in front of him.

Sometimes, he could be really scary when he was angry.

Qin Yu Zheng left the palace during a rainy spring day.

According to the people who sent her away, she left the palace with a face full of tears, looking back to the palace's entrance with an expression of reluctance. They said that Consort Yu must had been in cahoot with the empress dowager, trying to find ways for the latter to return to the palace.

Refusing to Serve Me? Then Off With Your Head!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن