Chapter 55

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The Record of the Ungrateful White-Eyed Wolf (2)

It was as though they were back to the time where the Crown Prince was rearing Xiao Hui.

The smile on his face gradually grew abundant; he no longer appeared solemn in a heart-aching way.

Everytime he saw that smile on his face, Tian Bing Qing secretly thank General Wu Ke for smashing An Xiaolang in the head.

There was a blood-clot in An Xiaolang's head, she believed everything that His Highness said. She would chase after him to flatter him every day. His Highness looked so satisfied with that.

Neither him nor the Crown Prince had ever expected to see the muddle-headed and mischievous An Xiaolang to wander around them. His Highness slowly changed.

That year, during the lantern's festival, An Xiaolang and him stood at the head of a road with the Crown Prince. His Majesty's handsome face that looked so cold had softened down, prompting a lot of women to try to chat him up.

Previously, his problems had been the women in the palace who kept buttering up to the empress to enter the Eastern Palace. To him, they were all up to no good. Perhaps, there were some amongst them who were truly attracted to His Highness, but one could never know for sure.

Tian Bing Qing had been serving His Highness since young. He was very familiar with his personality. Ever since the late empress passed away, all the women in the palace became snakes in his eyes.

His Highness could not be blamed for this. One year, a gentle and bashful maid was promoted to work inside the hall. Not more than a week later, she and the Crown Prince engaged in a duel after she tried to attack him while he was sleeping.

There had been a lot of incidents like that ever since His Highness was young. He had learned to sleep with one eye open. He broke that maid's wrist; that didn't really count as severely injuring her.

When they interrogated her in the dungeon, she swallowed poison and committed suicide.

All that makes it hard for His Highness to get close to women.

—— If people next to him harbored hidden intention, the consequences would not be good.

That was why An Xiaolang who was completely unrelated to them was a great candidate for companionship. Because of that, Tian Bing Qing had always harbored gratitude towards the silly and innocent An Xiaolang. He too great care of her, from her meals to her accommodation.

Unfortunately, An Xiaolang was hard to tame. His Highness treated her with utmost love and affection. He gifted her his warmest smile, yet everything went down the drain during that great fire in Jin Xiu Pavilion.

By the time the then emperor moved his harem into the Great Chen's palace, the Crown Prince who had been depressed for months finally showed some reaction.

For the past years, the more merit the Crown Prince had accumulated, the more hatred the empress harbored towards him. Whenever the emperor met the Crown Prince, he would scorn everything he did. His Majesty would admonish His Highness for being too ferocious and for having questionable rumors. Everyone knew that the emperor disliked getting near women, there had been rumors that he had a hidden disease.

One time, the emperor shoved a couple of women into the Crown Prince's harem without asking him prior. One of them was the previous dynasty's Rui Wang's daughter, Qin Yu Zheng. Another one out of the lot was the empress' niece, General Hu Guo's daughter, Tian Shu Wan. The rest were the daughters of the officials in court.

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