Chapter 42

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The Seal's Whereabout

Yi Wang was a far-sighted person who originally hailed from a political clan. He was already well-acquainted with the 'kill the fowl to warn the monkey' method ever since he was young. The sound of screaming could be heard from outside the window. I clutched my ears, having no problem trying to go back to sleep.

——- At this moment, I particularly missed Feng Zhao Wen's warm embrace.

(TN: 'Kill the fowl to warn the monkey' means using harming someone to warn someone else.)

However, the pitiful Xiao Huang was still young. When he heard the sound of screaming from outside, he sat up with a pale face. He got down from the bed and walked over to the window.

The people outside could hear his movement. Someone from outside respectfully spoke, "This official deserved to die for interrupting Your Majesty's rest. Please forgive me, Your Majesty. Just, this thief betrayed his country and deceived the emperor, wangye ordered me to punish him before your imperial presence."

It made sense to punish a treacherous criminal in front of the emperor, however, killing him in front of the emperor's chamber in the middle of the night ought to bring underlying meaning. For a coward, the underlying threat ought to be enough to scare them to death. Lucky Xiao Huang still had a healthy heart.

Xiao Huang clenched his fist and walked to the door. A green vein was visible on his temple. He looked like a caged beast. I immediately jumped down from the bed to appease the little beast. I pulled him towards the window and spoke loudly, "Wangye cares so much for the kingdom. He is busy punishing criminals even in the dead of the night. His Majesty is really touched and wants to go over to him to praise him."

Wangye ah, you were not the only one who could disturb other people's sleep.

Xiao Huang laughed foolishly towards me. He was no longer frowning and fisting his hand. His entire body eased down.

The people outside tried to stop us, "How can we trouble Your Majesty?"

....... Were they scared we would disturb Yi Wang's rest?

Xiao Huang was already putting on his outer robe, excitedly urging me. Before the people outside even got to say anything else, he pushed open the door and walked out. I followed him closely from behind. It was a messy scene outside; the one who was punished was dying on the ground. Four to five guards outside were trying to stop Xiao Huang with their bloody hands, but he kicked them away and cleverly avoided all them. He went to where Yi Wang was living at.

When Xiao Huang and I got to where Yi Wang lived, the lights were still on. Yi Wang came out to welcome us, half-dressed, looking very sleepy. There was a nice scent of fragrance wafting out when he opened the door..... He was a man who knew how to differentiate work and play....

Yi Wang did not hesitate to glare at Xiao Huang— no men wouldn't get angry when interrupted at times like these. Unfortunately, Xiao Huang was ignorant to human's relationship. He merely stepped forward and grabbed Yi Wang's hand. He looked like he was going to cry, "Zhen is not capable and had to trouble imperial uncle. You continued helping zhen even in the middle of the night, zhen is touched and concerned. Zhen came here to keep imperial uncle company, to share imperial uncle's burden."

As I stood behind him, I secretly praised his choice of words. He shocked the sleepiness off of Yi Wang. I lowered my head to look respectful, trying to stifle my laughter.

Yi Wang punishing people at night had roused the emperor's sympathy. The emperor proceeded to visit him 5 nights in a row; the ruler and the subject getting along in harmony. On broad daylight on the other hand, Yi Wang had to arrange a banquet for the 'loyal and patriotic General Guang Wu'; one that required a lot of safety measures. On the sixth day, the monarch and the subject greeted each other with black under-eyes; it was admirable how in sync they were!

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