Chapter 3. New Employees

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Shiki's POV

We made it home and I told Izu to sit on the couch. First a gather some paperwork, and then join him. I show him the papers. They show how more and more customers come to the cafe. Soon we won't be able to work their alone, so I make him an offer.

"How about we hire some more employees?"

"How many are we talking about here?"

I begin to think: "Well, at least one more waiter, someone on the counter, and maybe one person, who can help around the cafe. It's good to have someone like that."

Izu nods. He asks how we're going to hire people. Do we put up a sign, or do we put an advert on the newspaper?

"Actually, I already have a plan."

He looks at me, unsure what I mean, so I tell him.

(Meanwhile at the Bakugo house)

Katsuki POV

I arrive home, to an angry old hag. She yells and screams at the, but I ignore her and head to my room. I already know what she wants. My 2 week time limit to find work ends tomorrow night. If I don't find any work, I have join my parents in their stupid business.

I try to calm down I hear my mother from downstairs: "KATSUKI, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE, RIGHT NOW!!"

I sigh, get up from my bed, and go see what she wants. Ones I'm downstairs she calls me to the kitchen.

"What do you want old hag?"

"Don't call me that, you brat!"

"Now, now honey. Let's be civil about this."

Dad's able to calm both of us, and we start to talk. As I predicted, they wanted to talk about me joining the company. I told them to fuck off, and went back to my room.

"I don't care about the jewelry business. I'm more interested in the cafe business. Maybe I can ask Shiki and Izuku about it tomorrow."

Sometime later my phone rings. I grab it, and see a text from Izuku.

From: Izuku

Hey, Katsuki. Can you bring Eijiro and Denki to the cafe tomorrow, at the same time as usual?

"What? Why does Eijiro and Denki with me? Are they planning something?"


Sure, but why?

From: Izuku

Shiki and I need to talk to you about something. Don't worry, we'll explain when you get here.


Alright. See you tomorrow. Night

From: Izuku


I set a text only to Eijiro, as he lives in the same apartment as Denki, to meet me at the cafe tomorrow. After that I wonder what are those two planning. I guess we'll see when we arrive at the cafe

(Time skip to next day evening)

Third Person POV

Katsuki waits for his friends some ways from the cafe. It's pretty cold, and he's been waiting for 20 minutes.

"God dammit! If this cold doesn't kill me first, I'll kill those two idiots when they show up."

At that moment he hears someone coming closer. He turns around, only to see the idiots he has been waiting.

Love is Like a Flower (KatsuDeku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz