Chapter Eight

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Esqué didn't return to the room for the remainder of the afternoon. Asthané spent the hours watching the fire Esqué had lit in the fireplace, letting his thoughts wander. Much of the time, he worried about Géta. Other times, his imagination presented him with what he might expect when Esqué finally finished duty. Around supper time, Asthané ate privately, then, after returning the tray cart to the room it belonged, banked the fire and retired in the room Esqué had apparently chosen to sleep in.

He didn't douse the flame in the gaslight all the way, but left it high enough to illuminate the room for Esqué. Alone in the bed, Asthané once again contemplated Géta's condition and situation, fists clenching every so often as he thought of Éethin's inaction. One thing Esqué had imparted during the interview over lunch had been his anger at the Grand Matriarch for clinging so much to the letter of the Sacred Laws. Asthané had briefly attempted to reason it away, and Esqué had cut him off with the statement that enough information had been given to her via Communicant ghost and outright Visions she'd had from Jalza she should have acted long before now. Certainly before Géta had been kidnapped.

Asthané eventually dozed, his mind drifting on how much he'd enjoy sleeping tonight. His romantic encounters were so few and far between, and he appreciated another presence in his bed so much, he knew he'd sleep very well tonight. The closest he'd gotten recently was sharing a tent with Géta, and there was no way he'd been willing to risk their friendship and partnership on a little physical contact, particularly with someone underage. Besides, he simply wasn't attracted to his musician that way; there was still too much bitter between them for him to feel confident of Géta's loyalty, though he seemed to have it. He didn't think it would last once they returned to Capitol Temple.

When the door opened and shut, he roused enough to see Esqué had finally returned. This would be a special treat. He watched the Proxy Mage undress, then threw back the covers when Esqué came to the bed.

Esqué sank onto the mattress with a sigh. "Oh, Asthané, it is good to come to bed with a loved one." He smiled and pecked Asthané's lips, assisting in pulling the covers over himself. "Thank you for warming everything."

Asthané nodded, wrapping his body around Esqué's. He had warmed literally everything: mattress, pillows, bedding, and his own body, all the warmth of which was making his lover shiver. "I'm sorry—" He couldn't stop the beginning of the apology, and Esqué interrupted him, as he'd known would happen.

"Do not apologize, Asthané!" Esqué embraced him, kissing his head. "We are here to honor what has not changed." The Proxy pushed him away a little, until their gazes met, Asthané in the ascendant position. "Have your feelings for me changed?"

Because he hadn't taken the time to honestly consider what, if anything, of his feelings for Esqué may have changed, he did so now. After a minute, Asthané pulled himself close to Esqué again. "No." He inhaled the other Mage's scent, eyes closed, and shivered.

"Good, then all is right."

"But—" Why couldn't he stop the protests? He knew what Esqué would have to say about it.

Esqué laughed softly, hands sliding down Asthané's back. "Do not try to protest, Asthané. Did I not tell you when we had our first romance your affection was enough?"

Asthané finally got his arms under Esqué's back and squeezed. "You did." He tucked his face into the curve of the other Mage's neck, taking comfort from their closeness. A feeling of security filled him now. Esqué was here, all would be made right.

"Good, you remember. I am not a tyrant who demands love of his lovers, Asthané. Coercion of such is not comfortable to me. It is enough for me to love you. It gives me a joy and a peace and a pleasure which brightens my days. Now, Asthané, tell me what frightens you so."

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