Another two came in but Alex could see they were the same he was hunting as they had some scrapes on the front of their 'heads'.

"Come on! Come on!" He taunted at them as he kept an eye out for any sudden ambushes from the other drones. The pair of blades was just a couple of meters away as he saw them glide towards him in a spiral pattern

"Come at me then!" He hollered and summoned his shield. His right arm exploded into a mass of veins and mass that grew just in time for the drones to clash against his defense. The drones came in full force and the blades were going at full speed against the shield. Alex pushed back as the force from the two devices were not far off of equaling the strength of a helicopter.

He wanted to push back but the force of them were succesfully cutting at the shield, actual cracks were starting to be seen as Alex chewed on his lower lip. He got mad as bits and pieces of his strong shield were beginning to churn the floor of the forest.

"HRRGGHH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" He yelled against the churning blades and with a final tackle was able to flick them off their continous sawing attack like swatted bottle caps.

But this was not enough to make them crash to the ground as they retreated back to the rear and formed a group. Alex was now alone in the front as finally the whole drone squad was behind him waiting for the smallest opening to attack.

He slightly jumped off the ground and turned his back to get a clear shot of the incoming drones. The metal predators where coming right at him now in a rushed attempt to get him. Alex raised his hands over his head and held them together as the whinning and whirring sound was getting closer. He cleared his mind and closed his eyes again as the sound seemed to be piercing the inside of his ears. He relaxed as his skin felt goosebumps from the common instinct off wanting to dodge was primal. However he was a beast that could rewire such a human instinct to achieve the goal of survival.

A click went off in his mind and suddenly the drones' chances were turned over to Alex's hands. He roared as his fist grew to the rough and edged metal spiked gauntlets that all Blacklight virus beings feared.

"HAMMER-!" He called out as the drones began to flank out of the way but too late as their hexagon formation left them wide open.

"FISTS!!!" A simple down smash swing was enough to strike two drones right out of his way and shatter into the ground itself. The impact proved fierce as the magnitude rocked against the ground expanded to literally collapse rows and rows of trees like an earthquake passed through the land.

The four remain drones were now on high alert as now their efficiency to defeat Alex Mercer had dropped a considerable rate barely above 60 percent. The final strategy was to be put on place.

The remaining bunch made a rotating encirclement as Alex waited their next move but unknowingly the next pull they were pulling may be their last.

The prototype kept his guard up as the drones were doing nothing but surround him while emitting a sketchy noise "What are y'all doing? Expect me to rot on this place-? HAAAAAA-!" He bellowed as he got tired of hearing that awful sound. Slamming the ground again, the ground erupted with giant pieces of it that turned the area into a checkered and unbalanced foothold that worked as a deterrent.

The drones flew away for a second before finally coming back in a single file line right onto him. Before they got closer Alex jumped at them and almost threw his hands back to the point he might have broke his shoulders by sheer raw strength alone

In a 45 angle he jumped onto the drones which they did not expect even for a second. The quick reaction of them was to disperse from the target's line of sight but this was foiled as Alex clenched his teeth and flexed back his arms to do an attack he was planning to use against spies and communication like technology.

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWhere stories live. Discover now