Female! America x Germany - Letter

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                     Dear Amelia,

          I can't easily express my feelings very well, especially when it comes to you. You make me feel so many things at once. Love, embarrassment, would resentment be a little rude? Now, please let me explain before you scream and call me an idiot. I almost wish you didn't make me feel this way, I'm supposed to be strong, but with you, I began putty. I put down my walls, I can't do that with anyone else. That is what makes you special.

          Amy, everytime you smile, I get heart eyes for you. My knees get wobbly, my heart tries to beat out of my chest. I don't ever want to see you sad, I just want your pretty smile on you face eyes always bright.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you. You make my life much better then I could've ever imagined. I can't imagine what my life would be without you.

I can't even think what it would be like.


        Amelia's smile was large, gripping the fabric of ehr dress as she beamed at her boyfriend. Ludwig was flushed, holding the letter with care.

           "Would it be wrong of me to still call you an idiot? You're not supposed to get a heroine like me all flustered and embarrassed!" Amelia was bouncy in her seat, almost throwing herself across the table to pull him into a kiss. But she reframed herself from doing so.

          People from the closer tables stared in awe, as the young couple stared at each other in adoration. A older woman nudged her husband, seeing their love in the two.

"I wouldn't blame you, how dare I!" He joked with a forced chuckle. He laid the letter down on the table, forcing himself to sit up straight. He stood, taking Amelia's hand.

                Amelia gaped, her face losing all color. Ludwig opened his mouth and cleared his throat; digging in his pocket to find the little red velvet box. He popped it open, revealing a gold band with a large diamond at the center.

            "Am-Amelia... Amelia Faith Jones, I might not be the picture perfect man, I might not be, the most worthy of your hand, but I know one thing. I love you, Some days, that's all I ever need to know." His palms were sweaty, Amelia's eyes were full of tears heart pounding in her chest.

"I coul-"

"Please just say it!"

Ludwig smiled a bit, hoping the answer was yes.

"Amelia Faith Jones, will you marry me?"

"I would be stupid not to." Amelia launched herself into his arms, pushing his head to her lips to kiss him.

(I'm really liking this pairing so if you would like more please let me know!)

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