Nyo!America x France - It's okay

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             Francis looked to his passenger's seat, giving a half smile at the flowers and box of chocolate. He turned his eyes back to the road, fingers tapping against the wheel. His smile blooms into a beautiful rose as her house comes into view.
            "Come on Francis, it will be okay! I'm sure she will feel the same.." He pulls into her driveway, pulling the key out of the ignition. He unbuckles himself, and pulls the flowers and chocolates into his arms.

              He stood up, and started walking up to the one floor house, looking to the flowers they had planted a month earlier. They seem to be growing quite well, Amelia must actually be taking care of them. Surprise, surprise.

             He stepped up the old steps, each small movement making the stairs roar out. He hid the flowers and chocolate behind his back, giving a few hearty knocks onto the door. It took only moments for the shirt woman to open the door.

               "Franny!" She squealed wrapping her arms around his body. He laughs a bit, wrapping his free arm around her chubby frame. He inhaled her scent, closing his eyes nuzzling into her hair. Warm vanilla, it smelled like Christmas almost. The way when you're baking Christmas cookies, and the vanilla extract just swallows the house.

"What bring you here dude?" She says popping her head up to look at him.

"Well... I have something to say." He pulls away and holds out the gifts, his cheeks turning a light pink. She takes them both, smiling at the items.

         "Aww. You got me chocolate, of course I'll listen." She pulls him over to her porch swing, pulling her legs up into a cross.

         He pushed the swing back, and let it rock the two blondes. He cleared his throat as he looks to the yard. He sighs looking over.

          "Amelia, I can't hide this anymore, I really can't. I love you, this is the hardest it's ever been to say this. My feelings are so strong for you, really, if I could, I would pluck the stars out of the night sky and wrap them up for you if I could."

            Amelia's mouth gaped, dropping the gifts she was given. She stared over her glasses, before picking up the dropped gift  to push them into his arms, shooting up.

"Amelia? Amelia what's wrong?" He stood shoving them to the side.

            Amelia's lip trembled, tears spilling over her her cheeks. She pointed to his car, body shaking as stalked away. "You... You need to leave." Francis stopped, looking to her. This wasn't how he imagined this at all...

"    Amelia, please tell me what's wrong! Why are you so upset? Please tell me." He begged her, stepped closer which only resulted her taking a step back.

        She sniffled reaching a hand to her door, opening it one swift movement. He turned her back to him, starting to walk in. Francis took a step foreward, and grabbed her hand. "At least give me this, tell me what's wrong."

            She ripped her hand away from his turning to him, "this is always how it starts! Flowers chocolate, the kisses and romance! Then you turn around, start ignoring me and find some... Some other broad and start cheating on me!" She cries and shouts, her tears rolling down her cheeks. "How can I tell that you won't be just like Arthur?"

           Francis frowns, and pulls his hand away. "Amelia, I know it seems like that, I know it seems like you can't trust me with your heart. But if you really want me to leave..." He sighed, looking to his leather dress shoes. "I will."

"I'm sorry Francis, I really am! I want to love you but I...." Francis cut her off, shaking his head. He crouched down an grabbed the bright red roses, smiling sadly.

"I understand, it's okay, you don't have to love me."

            And with that, Francis left, not letting his own tears slip until he was driving on his way home. He looked over, the roses drooping the chocolate box smashed in some areas. It will be okay, there will always hope for their love...


Hetalia OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora