Extinct Intergalactic Survivor - Chapter 4

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On a sunny day out here me and Holly were walking around town getting some groceries from the market, as this part of the city is a more poor side of the city it only has people out on the streets selling things which is in the market. She has slowly gotten used to living in this kind of environment, even made some friends out here in the market as well. "Hey Ty! What do you think of these? They look really tasty!" As she pointed at the green and blue tomato's. "Sure, whatever you want." I said as I moved over to her and helped her fill a bag full of the green and blue tomato's. Not long after we filled the bag and paid for the tomato's, we noticed something as we were on our way. "Ty, look!" Holly said as she pointed at a poster on the wall. I wasn't too sure what it was from far so I moved a bit closer. When I got closer it all became clear to what it was. "Ah!-...this looks like some kind of...list..." Holly gave me a soft smack on the head. "Look closely silly, it says blacklist at the top! It contains a list of the most wanted intergalactic criminals! Now look at who is on number 16!" I took the time to go from number 1 all to 16, when I saw who was on number 16, it totally changed the situation. "We have to go back, right now!" I said as I grabbed Holly's hand and took the list with me.

When we arrived home we immediately went to Pho. I smacked the list onto the desk Pho was standing at. "Explain, now!" I yelled as I didn't have any patience at the moment. Pho sighed. "Can't say I know all that much about the Intergalactic blacklists, they just seem to update them every now and then and spread them around the galaxy." I pointed at number 16 on the list. "Have a closer look at who is on there." Pho paused for a second. "But that's you...I guess they're taking precaution now, I mean after we did all that at The Gate...can you blame them?" I shook my head. "I think they want to turn everyone against us, but first by taking me out. After all I'm confident that they think it is just me and Holly, and that they have no idea of your existance even after the events at The Gate." Holly took a step back as she was shocked. "What's the matter?" I asked her. "Take another good look at the list..." She said while stuttering. I looked through the entire list quickly to see if there was anyone else. And there it was. "I noticed that Holly was all the way near the bottom of the list as well. "Look, Holly I am not going to let them take either of us alright?" She hugged me while still shaking. I slowly wrapped my arms around her to comfort her. " I carried Holly back to our room and tucked her into bed nicely. As I didn't want her to deal with any of this nor get her involved.

I ended up going over to Pho for a quick talk before heading out. "Pho, I need you to give me camera footage of the market streets. I want to know exactly who put those lists on the wall." Pho walked over to one of the desks and accessed the computer to hack into the camera's. "Here you go my good sir, 6 market street camera's!" He said as he moved out of the way. I checked the camera footage while fast forwarding to see who put the list on the wall. "Wait hold on a second!" Pho said as I paused the footage. "This guy...that's Scruffy! I know him, he's the kid who always delivers the Planet Azure daily newspaper!" Pho seemed very surprised. Something seemed off to me, why would a child be putting this on the walls around the market streets? "Pho, I have been trained in a way to not just trust anyone even based on their appearance-" But Pho stopped me right there before I could finish my sentence. Pho put his hands on my shoulders. "Tyson listen to me, he's a good kid and I can't have you hurt this innocent boy over this footage. I know it looks bad, trust me I do! But the poor kid just loves to deliver newspapers to earn his money fairly. Not to mention he lives with only his grandfather and his little sister, you have to believe me!" As Pho was trying to convince me from doing anything to the boy, he might've just found the answer to the question I didn't yet get to ask. "Pho, you just said he lives with his grandfather and his little sister, right?" Pho nodded in agreement. "Now I know that Planet Azure is peaceful, but that's not because the city is all that clean, you wouldn't think that something could've happened to him or his family that he is being blackmailed for? Because that is the only thing I can think of." Pho let go of my shoulders. "Wait, so you do believe me?" I smiled. "If I didn't, I would've simply knocked you out and went over to the kid to get some answers now wouldn't I?" Pho laughed. "I don't think you can actually take me out so easily-" but before Pho could finish his sentence I gave him a low kick to have him fall onto the floor, as I aimed my hand with a charging blast at his face afterwards. "I-I give up! Ty, take it easy!" Pho said while he was on the floor. I stopped charging the blast and pulled him back up. "Now then jokes aside, where can I find this kid?" I asked. "Whoa whoa hold on, what are you going to do with the kid? You're not planning to hurt him either way are you?" I shook my head. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure the kid has his reasons for these wrong doings. I am going to help set him free, and he should lead us to the source." I said as we both nodded afterwards. "What about Holly though?" Pho asked. "I don't want her involved in this, I can take care of it on my own." I said after letting out a sigh. "I actually have something for you, just give me on second!" Pho said.

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