Extinct Intergalactic Survivor - Chapter 2

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Preparations had already been made, and we already took off In Pho's space ship. As a trip to the prison was at least 2 hours with this ship, we still had time to discuss a few things. After all I wanted to talk to Pho about a few more things before we went on ahead with this mission. He put the space ship on auto pilot and came to sit with me at the table. "We'll be arriving shortly, about another 10 minutes or so." Pho said as he sat down. "You know Pho, I've been thinking about something ever since we left. I don't feel like going in there stealth wise would be good at all. I was trained to take out my enemies right away and give them a quick death. Now I don't know if all those prisoners are there because they are criminals or not, but for some of them to die every year to make space just feels wrong. I feel like we need to do something about that!" 

I felt concerned, not just for our fellow sister in there, but also because there innocents were going to get slaughtered cause they needed space. "You really are a good person Ty, and I get where you're coming from. But remember that there are over 10 million prisoners and over 2 million of those elites guarding the prison. I've seen your strength, but do you really think you are powerful enough to take out an army of millions by your own?" I shook my head. "I've always wanted to test my powers against an army before, so I'm kind of excited honestly. But my priority is getting her out of there of course." 

The ship made an announcement that we were nearly at our destination. "Looks like that's our cue, time to roll out." I got up to check my armor and weapons one last time. "Oh I almost forgot to show you this." Pho said as he pressed a button to open up a door. It was a space bike. "This space bike is specially designed not just for the ground, but it can also fly temporarily. It's got weapons on it in case you want to make yourself a hole to get yourself inside. But it doesn't necessarily have to be your way out. I will be assisting you from the air of course." I went over to the space bike and got on. "This will do, let's go!" As the door in the back opened up, I began to boot up the engine of the bike.

As soon as the doors will fully opened up, I flew out of the ship. The prison was right there, I knew what I had to do at this point. The bike seemed to have many different modes, including attack mode which I activated at this point on. The girl inside of the prison who was asleep at the time in her prison, suddenly woke up from sensing something or someone. "W-who is that? This feeling, I've sensed it before! Who is this? And where is he?" The weapons on the bike loaded up as I flew towards the prison and began my attack on the walls. As my attack had started and I was damaging a part in the wall, Pho flew around to attack the top of the prison where many guards were on the lookout. The alarm began to sound and all of the guards went over to their stations. Many of them getting in space ships to attack us. "Tyson, change of plans! It looks like an army of space ships is going to come our way. I think I can shake them off and take care of them while you're inside. But you're going to have to be quicker about this than you were supposed to. Please find her and let me know when you are ready to leave!" Pho said as he shot two rockets into the part of the wall I had damaged to make an open hole. I gave him a thumbs up and flew straight to the hole. 

As I arrived at the hole I jumped into it and let my bike fall onto the ground. Luckily there was still some land on the side where it fell onto. I could hear many guards coming my way, I entered my battle stance and got ready. When suddenly a door opened up, with someone hinting to come their way quickly. I decided to follow my instincts and go in there. The person closed the doors as he began to show me directions to get inside of the prison without getting caught. "Just who are you, and why are you helping me?" I asked. The person made signs with his hands, it turned out he could not speak anymore because he lost his tongue. Luckily for me I could read sign language. He predicted someone would come for her, the signs said. I was to take a certain path to get there, however I could tell that this person really wanted to help me get her out. The guards opened up the door behind us, and they began loading up their guns to open fire. The person that gave me directions began to yell with all his might, as he stood in front of me to cover me. The guards began their attack and shot at us, however he protected me and took all of the shots for me. It was tragic having to see him go like this, but I couldn't let his death be in vain now. I immediately dashed away and followed the path he wanted me to follow. 

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