Story Characters

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This is where I'll put every character in the story and a brief description.

Angie Dallas (17) - A class mate and best friend of the main character, she goes to East Wood High School, the actor playing the role of Angie is Ariana Grande. Angie is based on a girl from my school, she is super crazy and cool and she's also one of my best friends. 

Ryan (18)- A boy who goes to East Wood High School and the actor for him is Logan Lerman.

Monica Shillings (17) - A girl who goes to East Wood High School, the actor for this character is Emma Roberts.

 Alex Shillings (20) - Monica's older brother, he hasn't been seen in years and suddenly move back into town. The actor playing this character is Alex Pettyfer.

Micheal (17) - A friend of Ryan's and the actor for him is Robbie Amell. 

Madison (18) - Ryan's girl friend and fiance her character is played by Sara Forestier and named after an awesome girl at my school. 

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