0. Prologue

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Nyssa, Thea and Roy are off hunting for the remaining Lazarus Pits. All was going well. They only have one left. Nyssa feels weird. She doesn't know what she'll do when all of the Pits are taken care of. She always has a mission or some type of goal and as she lays in her hotel bed, she contemplates what she should do when this is all over:

Should I become a freelance vigilante? Or become a part of Oliver's crusade? Would they even want that? I feel that they might not take joy in my presence. I suppose if they invite me, I'd consider taking the offer favorably. But I highly doubt they would ask. Sure, I've helped them here and there, but only when it was necessary.

I am at a loss. I've never had to think about my life in this way before. I've always had a mission. Should I...become domesticated? Becoming a normal person...I suppose that's an idea...I would need a real job. What am I qualified for other than teaching people how to fight and kill? I suppose I could also teach people one of the 22 languages I am fluent in...I'm sure Felicity could forge me some credentials for that.

Nyssa's thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

It's Roy and Thea. They are ready to venture to the last Pit.

When they arrive, Nyssa enters the building first, for she knows how to sense League booby traps. She locates the room where the Pit is. She approaches the Pit slowly and looks deep into the water at her reflection.

Suddenly, from behind, she is pushed into the Pit.

She emerges from the bubbling waters to find no one. Once realizing that she is soaked head to toe in Lazarus water, she panics. She has never been submerged in a Pit before because being soaked is dangerous for the soul.

She feels the power flow through her like electricity and for a moment, she enjoys it.

Thea and Roy run in and stop dead in their tracks when they see Nyssa standing thigh-deep in the Pit, dripping its mystical glory.

"Nyssa, what are you doing?" Thea asks, looking extremely frightened by the sight.

Nyssa is frozen. She wants desperately to leave the Pit, but the power is so intoxicating that she doesn't move.

"I fell," she says as she snaps out of her daze.

"Get out of there. Quick, we have get that crap off of you," Roy says as he offers his hand to Nyssa.

Nyssa takes his hand and is helped out.

"Are you ok?" Thea asks. "You don't feel blood thirsty or anything right? Or is that just when you are brought back from death?"

"I'm fine," she says as Thea and Roy help dry her off.

"How did you fall in?" Roy asks.

"It must've been another trap that I missed..." she says.

Nyssa doesn't know for sure if it was a trap. It doesn't make sense to her that there'd be a trap that pushes you into the Pit. But no one is here, so she doesn't know what else it could've been.

Roy clears his throat. "You should probably take those clothes off...I'll take care of destroying the Pit," he says as he starts to walk towards it.

Nyssa snatches his arm.

"Nyssa?" He says confused. "I didn't mean to offend..."

"Give me the potion," she says blankly.

"Why?" He asks as he and Thea give each other a look.

Nyssa lunges at him for the potion. Roy was quick enough to react and he tosses the potion to Thea.

"Get it to the Pit!" Roy shouts at Thea.

Thea tries running past Nyssa as Roy tries restraining her.

Nyssa escapes Roy's grasp as she goes for Thea.

Nyssa rips the potion from her hands and Thea grabs her wrists. Roy comes from behind and holds her arms.

"Nyssa, I know what you're feeling," Thea says. "The power feels really good, I know. The Pit is calling your name, pulling you back to it like a magnet. You have to fight it. I know you don't want to be this."

With every second, Nyssa's skin absorbs a plethora of Lazarus particles into her body. It's immense power strengthens her with every passing moment. Not even Roy and Thea can hold her any longer.

She tears them off of her and then shoves the potion into her cleavage so she can fight them.

Suddenly, a cloaked figure comes out to aid Nyssa in the battle.

They knock Roy and Thea unconscious with ease.

The figure kneels and looks up at Nyssa.

"We've been waiting."

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