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I stepped out of the shower, the room was so warm and I was so warm. I stepped on the small rug next to the shower and got dressed. My grey sweatpants and a dark blue sweatshirt I don't want to leave the bathroom. A small heater was setup in the living room, it wasn't much of a heater though. We've had the heater for so long it was probably about to break soon. That's the last thing we need.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked into the living room. I sit there all day until I go to bed. When I get home from school I stay in the living room. I don't like staying home alone with the oven on all the time. Even if I freeze I shut it off now and then. Why should it run all the time. I rotate between the heater and the oven. When the oven is on the heater is off and the other way around.

I walked into the kitchen and shut off the oven I walked back into the living room and turned the heater went on. I looked outside the driveway was still shoveled pretty well. It looked like the snow stopped a little while ago. Probably when I got into the shower. I grabbed some chips and set them on the cold carpet. I'm probably not going to eat them but might as well have them so I don't have to get up if I get hungry.

I wrapped myself in my blankets and laid on the couch, relaxing and cold. Just how I dislike it.

I turned on my laptop and watched some Netflix. Every now and then I'll check my phone and instagram not that I post anything on it. I just like looking at the memes and what everyone else is doing. Of course on days like this no one is ever doing anything.

I could feel my eyes slowly growing heavy I'm tired, I looked over at the heater if I shut it off now my mom will be mad she should be home soon. All well, if a fires happens and I die at least I was thinking of my mom. I put the laptop on the ground and went back to sleep.

When I woke up it was warm in the house not that warm but warmer, I looked at the time I didn't need to know what time it is I can hear the voices in the kitchen. My mom and dad are home. My mom probably got home around 4 and my dad usually doesn't get out till 6 so it was probably around 6:30.

I say it's warm now because I'm wrapped in my blankets but it won't be when I get up. Well maybe it'll be a little warmer my mom does have both the heater and the oven on.

I got off of the couch and walked into the kitchen. My mom and dad were both standing next to the counter. "What's for dinner?" I asked, I'll probably just eat soup but if she wants to make me sauce and noodles I'll eat it too.

"Soup!" My mother excitedly answered. My father looked back at me and smiled.

"How was work dad?"
My father sighed a little I don't know how much he enjoys his job but he always says the same thing "work was work" and I do the same thing, smile and nod.

After dinner I went to my room, I liked not having school today especially since it was a Tuesday but still, the work is gonna be piled up now and the teachers are going to think they're behind and start giving us projects and shit. Not needed but thanks.

I took my blankets into my bedroom and laid on my bed. My mom always stays up later then everyone. Maybe to try and keep the heat in the house for as long as possible? Doesn't matter tomorrow when I get up and get ready for school it'll be cold. It'll be cold and sad.

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