40. Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart

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"Thanks. I hope she's mine and just mine."

He smiles, patting my back before peeking through the doorway to see Selena sitting in bed, reading a book he brought for her earlier.

"Look, Liam told me about the school situation."

Thanks a fucking lot, Liam. He does not have to know I failed senior year. 

"I just want you to know, I'm really proud of you for your studies. I don't know if anyone told you that, but I want to tell you it. And, I encourage you to keep going for it. I know you have a few finals left to raise your grades so, I think you should take some time and get those done before the deadline ends.

Oh fuck, I forgot I had that.

"I'm going to lend you my library as a study room. Feel free to drop by anytime. It's quiet and got great lighting in my opinion. My wife or I will always be home so we'll let you in."

"Wow, that's kinda amazing," I admit, "I have a few of your books actually."

"That made my day, Harry. But seriously, come over and start soon. I'd hate to see everything you worked for lately go to waste. Sel will be out soon and I'm sure she'd want you to do this too. I'll keep her company and what not, okay? Don't worry, I won't let her escape you," he winks and again I blush. Damn, her dad is so cool.

Zayn's POV: 

After Harry showered and ate that day, he had been getting back on track, studying his arse off and staying over Selena's place. Selena also returned to school as well, a day or two after Harry, making up her work, though it's like no problem for her. She has finished a majority of her missing assignments and Harry is now taking his final final. Currently, the boys are at home, setting up a tiny lad party for when Harry exits the building, hopefully finished and done with everything. Graduation was only in a week and I was so fucking excited. We had fun events and senior activities after today until the day we get our diplomas. Selena and I are standing outside right now waiting for him; she's going to a dinner with just the girls tonight so she won't be joining us but she promised Harry, as a friend, she'll wait to hear about his results.

"You think he's going to pass?" 

"It's Spanish. He'll be tonto if he doesn't. My dad literally sat next to him for hours, teaching him spelling," she laughs.

"Your dad's a nice guy," I comment and she grins, "I know." 

Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of the school entrance doors slamming open.

"Well?" I glance at him and he retains a straight face for a short moment until he can't handle the grin that fights and wins over his face.

"I FUCKING PASSED! I AM GOING TO GRADUATE THIS YEAR!" he screams and I cheer for him as he lifts Selena into the air, spinning her around with her giggles contagious.

"That's amazing, dude," I fist-bump him. We make a mental note to hug later on since right now, he can only keep his arms around Selena. He bends down to kiss her much to her surprise, and he sneakily connects their lips before she can protest. 

"God, guys," I shake my head. It doesn't last long though and she slightly edges him away. 

"Again, friends," she mumbles slowly.

"I just want a little bit of your heart, Sel. Look! I fucking passed for you."

"Harry, you should be doing all this for yourself," she sighs. 

"I did it for us. I did it so you'll love me again," he begins, "and honestly, I'm getting pissed at how stubborn you are." 

"I can understand why you're angry but you can't blame me. You can't hate me for taking your word," she shakes her head, walking away from us towards her own ride. Harry appears speechless as he sticks his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, watching her walk away.

"You just have to wait, man," I comment after she's out of sight, "she's been through hell and back. She definitely loves you, but I don't think she's just ready to get hurt again."

"I'm not going to hurt her again, Zayn," he now sounds annoyed at me.

"Yeah? What's so different now? You'll stop drinking? You'll stop going to bars? You're still going to get angry when things don't go your way. You're still going to want to just date her forever. You're still going to expect the same things from before," I challenge him.

"She's forgiven you for a lot and maybe now she just doesn't want to keep putting away her own feelings just for you. Maybe she wants to not have to downplay her own dreams because you want different things in this relationship. Maybe she wants to go on with what she always wanted," I lead Harry into his truck and take the driver's position while he lets my thoughts simmer in the air until they entered and became his own. 

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora