"What?!" Louis jumps in, slapping my arm and earning a glare from me. 

"What!" I rub my arm as his blue eyes widen in shock.

"How can you not ask her? Almost every girl wants to go to her senior prom, mate." Zayn and Niall join in, nodding. 

"Well, too bad. I hate school dances. I hate school and I hate dancing. End of discussion."

"Well, if you're going to be a dick about it, can I ask Selena to prom? I have no date," Niall pipes in and I clench my jaw at him.

"Fuck no," I narrow my eyes at the blonde. How can he even think that, that is an option?

"Well, since Harry's an arse, can you three dance to this routine? And then, I'll come in at the song change and ask her?" Liam gathers the boys togethers, showing them a video on his phone with the steps. Looking over, I see a bouquet of purple roses and a poster. God, he's a loser.

"Looks easy enough," Tommo smirks, "When are you asking her?"

"Hopefully in a few minutes. The hallway should be clearing up soon and not many people have a free period, so no one else can witness it." 

"Let's go," Zayn glances his watch and the bell rings, signaling that everyone should be gone by now. The girls and us have no first period today because our math teacher suddenly got sick and had to leave this morning without enough time to call for a substitute. The rest of the class took this as a chance to just sleep inside the nicely-heated room while us lot want to be outside.

We quietly re-enter the building, easily finding Danielle talking to Eleanor and Selena against the lockers. Before Liam can make our appearances obvious and begin his dance, I drag them behind the edge of a wall. With a finger lifted to my lips, I signal for them to be quiet and listen on the conversation as we all attempt to lean in a stacking formation in order to each get a peek in their gossip.

Selena's POV: 

"So...prom," Eleanor giggles.

"The night we've been thinking about for so long," Danielle smiles, "I hope Liam asks me."

"I'm sure he will. Louis said we'll go," Eleanor's cheeks turn pink and I can't help the grin that crawls on my face. They are adorable. 

"I hope you two have fun with your guys," I wink and they all swat me in response. 

"You have to go, Sel!" Danielle pleads and I weakly smile. Since that day, I've learned not to expect too much from Harry. He isn't as serious and dedicated as I had him made out to be and I don't want to keep hoping for things that he isn't ready for yet. It's unfair to him. 

"I know. It's senior prom! I am definitely going." 

Harry's POV: 


"Harry agreed that easily?" Eleanor gasps, "Wow! I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah, it's the first dance he's ever going to," Danielle comments.

"Oh, I'm not going with Harry," she shakes her head.

What the fuck??

Liam's POV: 


Louis's POV: 

Well, damn girl. 

Zayn's POV: 

I almost burst out laughing but I quickly reach my hand up towards my mouth, muffling any noise from coming out. 

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now