see you there, curly hair

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a shortish meet-cute.
oh and this is kinda based
off that one episode of
community. if ykyk.

                    Luke, Tyler, and McQuaid met in the library after school one day. Originally, it was just so McQuaid could help Tyler with his reading assignments, but Luke decided to tag along out of boredom.

"So basically, the entire Animal Farm is a metaphor for the Soviet Union during communist rule. Napoleon, remember him? He is supposed to represent Joseph Stalin." While McQuaid was rambling about the George Orwell novel, Tyler was only half listening, nodding at the correct times. That was until something caught his eye.

In Luke's open book, there was a drawing. Tyler had to do a double take, but he realized it was oddly familiar. He hadn't ever seen it before, he never even touched the book 13 Tales of Horror. But there, in the corner of the page, was a drawing of himself. It was a quick doodle, the kind you would scribble on the side of your notes when you're bored in class. Nothing spectacular or done by an art student, but it was definitely Tyler. His wild curls, his droopy nose, his goofy smile, hearts around his face.

He furrowed his eyebrows and shot his friend a look. "Dude, why'd you draw a picture of me in your book?"

McQuaid followed his eyes and smirked, "You have a crush on him or something?"

Luke's eyes widened in realization. "No! I swear, I just checked out this book. It must have been from the person who had it before me." He seemed genuine.

McQuaid's smile grew even more. "Oooh. Someone likes Tyler," he sang, stretching out every syllable.

This made Tyler's heart speed up. Does someone have a crush on me? he thought, trying to remember if he had noticed anyone who seemed to like him. Who? He couldn't think of anyone.

"We should try and figure out who it is!" Luke said, all of a sudden too excited to sit down. McQuaid agreed. Tyler shrugged.

"Don't you want to figure out who your secret admirer is?" McQuaid asked as if the other boy was absolutely insane.

"Not really."

His friends both gasped in unison. "Why not?"

"What if I meet them and they don't like me? What if it's a misunderstanding? I am not going through that," he stated firmly. He hadn't ever had anyone like him, so the idea freaked the hell out of him. Why me?

They frowned. "Fine then. But that doesn't stop us from trying to find them ourselves," Luke said before getting his backpack and walking away from the table, trailed by McQuaid. Tyler sighed deeply and decided to follow them.

They approached the librarian's desk, on a mission. "Is there any way we could figure out who had this book before me?" Luke asked with confidence.

The librarian rolled her eyes. "Did you look in the front cover where all the names are?" she asked in monotone.

"Oh yeah!" he replied, elbowing McQuaid. "Why didn't you think of that? You're supposed to be the smart one."

McQuaid shrugged. "Well I thought of that, but you seemed really excited, so I decided to just let you go with it." It was Luke's turn to roll his eyes.

They opened the book to the inside of the front cover. Right there, above Luke's name; Samantha White. Above that; Oliver Schermerhorn. He was the first name in the book.

"Samantha White!... Who is that?" Luke asked his friends.

"Never heard that name in my life," Tyler replied.

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