5 times oliver flirts with tyler, + 1 time tyler catches on

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It was the first day of filming for Intergalactic Lust, and most people were on edge. The drama club was still unsure about their alliance with the AV club, and the AV club was unsure they could even make the movie happen.

The only calm person was Oliver, who was known for never losing his cool. He was currently getting his alien makeup done by Kate. That was until Luke called for her help by the cameras. She tapped the nearest person, who happened to be Tyler, on the shoulder and he turned away from the costumes and towards her. "Can you finish up with Oliver?" she pleaded him.

He furrowed his brow, obviously annoyed. "I don't know how to do makeup."

"Just cover his face with blue paint, and maybe some black for depth. I'm sure you'll figure it out," Kate explained before hurrying off.

Oliver was excited that the freshman would be taking over. That boy peaked his interest from the day he met him.

Tyler rolled his eyes and sat in the chair directly across from Oliver. He hesitantly dipped the sponge back into the cerulean color and dabbed it onto the older boy's defined jawline. He bit his bottom lip in concentration, slightly afraid of what would happen if he screwed up.

Oliver stayed silent for a while, not wanting to break the other's focus. "How is it looking so far?" he finally asked when Tyler paused and set down the sponge.

He then sat back further so he could see his entire face clearly. "It looks okay," he responded uncertainly. "You're very blue. Kate said you need... depth." He took a clean sponge, this time covering it in black face paint, and applied it to the contours of Oliver's cheeks and around his eyes.

He sat back once again and felt satisfied. "Looks good," said Tyler before looking down at his shirt. "Oh, shit. Kate didn't tell you to put on your costume before your makeup?"

"No... Why? Is there a problem?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Well, just be careful to not mess up your face paint while you change."

"Maybe you could help me with that," Oliver said suggestively with a smirk, only joking.

Tyler gave a puzzled expression. "Why would I help you change your clothes?"

Oliver shook his head with a small smile. "Never mind," he replied simply, not wanting to ruin his innocence.


After filming one day, everyone decides to go to the local diner to eat together. The AV and drama club have been getting closer lately, so they wanted to get to know each other better. When they get there, Tyler takes a seat in between Oliver and McQuaid. After they order, a conversation spirals about what everyone noticed first when they met each other.

"What did you guys first notice about me?" asked Emaline. Kate, who was sat beside her, subtly glanced from her face to her chest, then back up to her face, but stayed silent.

Cedric took this as his chance. "Your big, huge..." he paused as everyone's eyes widened. "Personality," he finished. They all broke out into laughter but Emaline just rolled her eyes, probably wanting a real answer.

When they calmed down, Tyler asked, "Okay, what about me?" He looked towards McQuaid and Luke.

"Dude, I don't remember. We've been friends for like- ever," Luke answered. The boy in the glasses just nodded his head in agreement.

He looked across the table at Emaline. "I'm not sure. I think when we first actually met you were wearing those awful zebra printed pants of yours. It was hard to focus on anything but those. So yeah, I guess I noticed your pants first," she rambled. Tyler nodded, recalling his questionable fashion choice.

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