Part 5

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"Where were you for the last 5 years?"

I can't tell them, can't tell them anything. I kept staring at the floor, my back against the wall in a corner. Master Jarrus spoke up. "I found him as a slave, so I bought him. How long he was there, and where he was before that, I don't know. I also don't think that he will talk about it either." The last sentence was quiet, and he didn't think that I could hear him, but I could, quite easily. I acted like I hadn't heard, and kept staring at the floor. 

I won't tell them anything, and now they know that. We all go to bed, and I can't sleep. I haven't slept on a bed for 5 years, just the ground. I know what I should do, so I do. I sneak out of the Ghost and went to sleep on the ground.

I woke up at first light, ready to work. Then the memories came rushing back. I hurried back to my room and waited for everyone else to wake up. When they finally did, I had already cleaned the Ghost, and the Phantom was ready for a mission. The others were surprised, and Master Jarrus recovered first, and Hera went to make breakfast. Zeb was complaining about getting up, and Sabine was deciding what to paint. It was almost the same as- I left that behind me, so I can't think about it. I must not think about what anything used to be, I am a different person now, a slave. 

Master Jarrus started talking to me. "I was thinking. Maybe we could start training later today, maybe after breakfast?" "Whatever you wish, Master Jarrus." Was my immediate reply. "Also, well done on the cleaning. It looks very good." "Thank you, Master Jarrus." I rarely got a complement on my work, as it was expected out of us. I tentatively asked a question. "What else would you like me to do, Master?" He smiled. "Go eat. You look starved. Plus, Hera makes exceptional breakfast. Go eat, and I will meet you outside, alright?" "Yes Master."

I went to the table and grabbed a portion of food. Hera grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around. I ducked my head, expecting a blow to the head. Hera started scolding me on what I need to eat.. I waited in fearful silence until she was done. "Well?" She expected an answer. "I am sorry ma'am, I will do my best to eat more, but it might be a while, as I am not used to eating a lot of food. May I go to Master Jarrus, ma'am?" "Please call me Hera, and yes, you may. Kanan has been looking forward to this ever since he found you. Go on, then. He is waiting." 

I ate my food as I rushed out and found Master Jarrus. He was meditating a distance away from the Ghost, and I ran quietly up to him, so as not to disturb him. He looked up when I reached him, and said that we would start with meditating. 

He retaught me how to meditate. It was very relaxing, and I was starting to let my guard down, then I felt something brush against my mind. I reacted instinctively, sending a jab in that direction, then retreating into my mind. I heard a yelp of pain from Master Jarrus. I jumped to my feet, ready to defend my Master, but there was no one there. Then I realized that I had hurt him. I had hurt my Master. A whimper came from my throat, a whimper of fear, but also a cry of my own pain, and a whimper asking for forgiveness, all in one little sound.

Master Jarrus had gotten up and was standing in front of me. "I am so sorry, Master, I really am. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."I just kept repeating it until Master Jarrus put his had on my shoulder. "It is OK, B2-R35. I am alright, and it was my fault. I shouldn't have been trying to use the force to find out your secrets, I am not a Sith. It is not the Jedi way. I should be the one asking for forgiveness. So, will you forgive me, Ezra?" "I forgive you, Kanan."

What did I just say?! He is my Master, not... not who he used to be to me. I shouldn't have said that, but he looks pleased. And he called me by my old name.

Ezra Bridger.

I should do what I have been thinking, and put the past behind me. I take my old lightsaber and ignite it, a bright blue blade coming from it. Then, I take my newer lightsaber, and a crimson red blade comes from it.

Well, what did you think of it so far? I hope that you have enjoyed it, and I have enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading!

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