Chapter 1

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Twinleaf Town...

He woke up to find himself in a house.

Saturn: (Where am I?)

Johanna: Oh, you're awake.

He turns to his left to see a women sat down beside him.

Saturn: ... You're that meddler's mother...

Johanna: Johanna. Glad you remember me.

Saturn: ... So what if I do?

He then tried to sit up.

Johanna: You shouldn't get up yet. You'll only stress out your body.

He ignores her advice. He then looks around.

Saturn: Where have you brought me?

Johanna: This is my house. You're now in my son's room.

Saturn: Why have you brought me here?

Johanna: I couldn't just leave you.

Saturn: I see no reason why you couldn't. I am an enemy to your son.

Johanna: You were also unconscious.

Saturn: Mm...

Johanna: Besides, you should be happy I brought you here. If someone else had found you and had taken you to the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy would have informed Officer Jenny and the authorities of your presence. Would you have preferred that?

Saturn: ...

Johanna: I didn't think you would. Your name is Saturn, right?

Saturn: ... Did your son tell you that?

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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