ONE: Partners

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NOV. 5TH, 2038
PM 11:35:06

THE SMELL OF ROTTEN FLESH doesn't bother Regina anymore. Not because she's used to it. You never get used to it.

Regina's heels click along the pavement as she walks past the yellow tape projection. She takes a final drag from her cigarette before turning it off and slipping it in her trench coat pocket. With advancements in technology, they're much more lightweight than they used to be. Almost feels like the real thing.

Stepping inside the run down house, she doesn't shy away from the rotten smell.

Everyone else inside the house cringes at the fumes wafting from the corpse in the living room. The smell may not bother Regina but the sight certainly does. Carlos Ortiz lies propped against the wall to Regina's right. His skin is discolored and deteriorating. His eyes are glassy and empty, staring at nothing. Above the body on the wall, the words 'I AM ALIVE' are written in perfect Cyberlife Sans in what Regina assumes is Carlos' blood.

Regina wrinkles her nose. Gross.

"Montgomery!" Hank calls as he enters the room with Collins and an android that Regina has never seen before. "Nice to see that you waited up for me." Hank mutters and stops beside her.

Regina shrugs. "Figured you were wasted at Jimmy's. Wasn't gonna bother you." Her gaze flickers to the android. "Who is this?" Hank makes a face at Regina's wording. But Regina ignores him, looking the android over. He has dark hair, with a single strand hanging loosely against his forehead. It makes him look even more human. He has a pale complexion and he stands almost a foot taller than her. That isn't hard, though. Regina is only 5'1.

The android observes her with a neutral expression. "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. It's nice to meet you, Detective Montgomery." His voice is just as passive as his face, which is almost soothing. Cyberlife knew exactly what they were doing with this one. He's beautiful and seemingly gentle. But Regina is fairly certain that it wouldn't take much effort from him to do some serious damage. The thought makes her uneasy.

Regina regards him with a hum. "You too." She glances at Hank. "Are you a fan of androids now?"

Hank scoffs. "Absolutely not."

Regina frowns.

"Jesus that smell . . . was even worse before we opened the windows." Collins sighs, catching the trio's attention. "The victim's name is Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him."

Collins and Hank approach the body. Regina, having already had a good look, hangs back with her arms crossed. "Uh, state he's in . . . wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night. Could've waited 'til morning." Hank grumbles.

"A man is dead, Hank." Regina says as she keeps an eye on Connor, who is nosing around the crime scene. He examines the Red Ice on the television stand. Regina never understood the hype for that shit. It makes you violent. It turns you into a monster.

𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐭: 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧. Where stories live. Discover now