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Day: 21 August 2018.

'A Knock At The Door
Can Destroy

XAVIER SHIVERED AT THE slightest touch of their lips.
Codys' lips were soft like feathers. So soft and delicate.
Xavier groaned, his fingers playing with Codys' hair before gripping them and pulling him closer.

Their body moulded together, as if they were meant to be with each other. Their body fit each others.
Their lips danced together, tasting each other. Their hearts beating faster, ready to escape their ribcage.

Cody tasted like strawberry and mint, he was smelling so good and delicious.
Xavier want to breathe into him, taste him, lick him, eat him.
He was that delicious.
His face has bits of stubble and it rubs against Xaviers' skin but he didn't care. He wanted more.

They both wanted more.

Xavier moaned when Cody placed his hands on his lower back and pulled him even closer; if that existed, and pull and bite his lower lip. It was hot, so hot that both of them were sweating like pigs. Their hands danced on each others body.

A knock at the door destroyed everything. Xaviers' eyes force opened. Cody groaned when Xavier placed his palm on his chest and pushed him. He wanted to hug, cuddle and kiss him not push him.
However knock at the door, came both at the wrong and right moment.

If they didn't stop, things would have gotten even worst, maybe not, but Xavier knew both of them would regret it later. Wrong, because Xavier wanted this moment to last. He wanted more. This kiss was not enough.

Cody looked flushed and was breathing heavily. Xavier blushed, trying to calm his own heavy breathing. The knock at the door grew louder and more urgent.
"I should go.." Xavier looked at Cody who was staring at the door. Xavier opened the door, "Is Cody here?" Beatrice.
Ofcourse it was her. She knew what was going on and came to ruin it. To Make fun of me. She did this on purpose! Xavier thought bitterly.

"Let's go, Bea" Cody pulled Beatrice outside before closing the door. What just happened?

One second they were kissing like there's no tomorrow! And the second minute, they are apart, behaving like nothing happened!
Xavier sat on his bed and held his hand in his hands.

Did he regret it? How can he regret it, he was the one to push Xavier and kiss him!
Xavier groaned, a headache was already making its presence.
Everything was blurred, until a lone tear from his left eye rolled on his cheeks and fell on his palm.

"I shouldn't have kiss him! It was part of his plan and I fell for it!" Xavier removed his T-shirt and threw on the ground, rather harshly.

"I am so going to ignore them! Hell, I have to work! Work! Oh, good Lord!" Xavier had skipped his day at the bakery. He wanted to spent his day, which is today, relaxing and looking for answers about why did Cody came here? Why did he drag his girlfriend with him? And why did he order his favorite pastries at the café!

But, this day just went by, like that. He did nothing productive, except running, and kissing which ofcourse made him burn some calories! But, Xavier did not plan all these, all these happened out of nowhere!

If Cody wants to behave like nothing happened! So will, Xavier. I am going to dance, laugh and kiss other guy in front of him! No matter how childish that sounds, I am going to do it!
Xavier plopped on his bed.

It was official. Xavier was going to torment Cody. And it starts from now!

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