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Date: 16 June 2018.


'The Heart Is The Fountain
Unspoken Words'


Just a quote for you, baby.
Try to understand the words,
And my Heart...

Oh! And;

Congratulation to me, Love!!

*Dramatic Pause*

Yes! I won the Annual Top 5 Art Competition!


I just can't believe it!
I came out second!
I got, $15,000 as gift and some art things like; canvas, watercolor, painting brush!

Baby, I won because of you!
If I didn't draw you, I would not have won and get all these gifts!
You make me so happy!

I thought I was going to lose!
Well, there were better Artist than me, huh...
That was quite unexpected!

Tell me,
How are you?
How was your day?
Mine was super amazing!
And you know the reason why!!


Uh, baby, i'm so tired.
And it's cold too.
Say.. Can I come over?
I swear, we'll just cuddle!
And that's it...!
But! If you want to do something else then...

*wink wink*

Ofcourse we can do things like eat!
What are we going to do apart from cuddling, huh!
Babyy! You've got a not-so-clean mind huh!


I just want to cuddle and listen to your heart beating and fall asleep next besides you!

And hold you tight!
God! I love you so much!


I was thinking, if I could send you these letters...
Promise you won't laugh at me!
I want you to read it. And I want you to reply me, well if you want to!
No worries, okay love?

I'm a little bit nervous!

*bite lips*

You know,
I'm tired of writing letters to share my feelings!
I want things for real!
I want to share my feelings and emotions with you!
I want to share everything with you!
And you, with me!

I want to know how you feel about me.
If it's nothing that you feel, then love, I'll go away from you.
I promise!

Just give me a reply!
An answer!
I just want to know that you're not ignoring me!


I'm tired, baby.
The conpetition got me worked up!
I think, I will send you these letters tomorrow!
Hah! You will have a lot to read huh!

Bye Bye, baby!
I love you, so much!
Always Remember that!
I'll see you tomorrow!
Good Night!

Yours Faithfully,

Goodnight kisses, xx

LETTERS FOR HIM | #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now