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Date: 11 June 2018.


'I have been waiting for you
So long,
In my forever.'


Again, another quote for you,
By my favorite poet, Atticus!
I hope you love it!

I am so, so happy!
Ask why?

*Dramatic Drums Roll*

I saw you yesterday!
I felt so happy when I saw you.

It's been quite a long time, I last saw you!
You were looking so handsome!
The sunset lights were doing its magic on you, huh!

Anyway, how are you?
And how was your sleep?
Mine, was perfect.
[both actually]


Oh, about my final competition!
I choose, theme Metamorphosis.

I already did some research,
And I came across the idea of drawing half you, and half wolf.
You like the idea?

I was even thinking about, doing a bit of double exposure.
And background would be the forest.
And, beneath your face, there would be wolves howling.

Oh my!
I've got so many ideas!
I can't really choose which to draw!

Oh, I remember something,
My parents invited me for a family get-together.
And its tonight!
You know, it's been 1 year since I last saw my family and my little sister.
I even heard that, she is dating a guy.

Looks like, i've got a brother-in-law!
I can't wait to meet them!

Okay! Enough of me!
Tell me about you,love.
I was thinking...
If I should send you these letters that I'm writing..

I'm scared.
Please don't judge me, If I ever send you these letters!

I sometimes wonder if you have ever saw me!
If you have atleast look at my direction when I walk past your house.

If only I could kiss you.
Atleast hold you and sleep!


Love, I have to go!
I have to get ready!
I hope to see you soon.
Later, love
Take care for me.

Yours Faithfully,
Lots of kisses!

LETTERS FOR HIM | #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now