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On the way home we were all smiles. I guess knowing we can fuck and not have to worry about anything else... it just puts smiles on our faces. Glancing at my husband... his hand was on my thigh as he drove the car. Seeing two car seat attachments in the back. This was my life now.

Flashing lights behind us brought me back to reality. "What did you do?" I asked Alex. He shrugged "I didn't do anything".

"Great, do you know what cops do to black people?!" I asked.

"Relax, nothing is going to happen to you" he said. Alex don't even know. "If anything I'm snitching on you. Cause I'm too pretty for jail". He glanced at me as he pulled over "just let me handle it".

Waiting for this damn cop to come over here. Looking back at the rear view mirror... finally a tall figure was walking towards us. "Just be quiet" Alex said. Crossing my arms over my chest I waited. A knock at the window startled me for a second. Alex our the window down a little bit. That's one thing he's always cautious. I taught him well.

"Hello sir, license and registration please" the cop said. I was trying to see if I can get a face. But his hat was so low on him. Alex Fished through his compartment looking for his registration. You know it's odd that I have a bad feeling about this all. Or maybe it's my nerves. Or it could be because we are on a dark road...

Alex finally found his registration and handed it to the cop. He nodded and looked it over. Meantime I was looking at his car behind us. Then it hit me... nudging Alex "when he gives back your stuff quickly close the window". He raised his brow at me but it some way he understood what I was trying to say.

Once the hand handed him back his things he closed the window. "You need to drive now!".

"Wait? What?!" He asked. The cop seemed a little angry and took out a long object trying to break the window. "I knew it, drive!" I screamed. Alex presses his foot to the gas and the car sped off. "What the hell is that all about?!" He asked.

"That wasn't a cop! He just had a flashing light on his dashboard!" I said looking behind us and seeing the same car speeding up. "Holy shit! He's trying to kill us!".

"Zoli? Listen you need to tell me what's going on?" He asked. I felt myself hyperventilating from all of what's going on. Alex held my hand and squeezed it. "Calm down. We are going be okay". Shaking my head "no! He's going to kill us!".

In that moment I was having a breakdown. Running away from my problems all this time and it finally caught up with me. Tears were running down my cheeks. And I know for sure Alex was confused on what the hell was going on.

Feeling the car being bumped from behind causing my body to jerk forward. At this point was scared. Alex was trying his best to drive so we wouldn't crash into anything. The car behind us bumped us again. That did it. We flew into a ditch in full speed. I braced myself for impact.

When the car hit the ditch I covered myself so I would get too hurt. Minor cuts but I was fine. Alex was okay as well. He unbuckled his seat belt and undid mine. We both got out the car. Taking off my heels. "I should've taken care of this before I left Chicago".

"Zoli you need to tell me who these people are?" Alex asked. About to answer his question I heard foot movements coming down the embankment. Seeing two figures coming our way. "Look who we have here" the man said.

When they both came into our vision I realized who they were and I was right. It was the man who claimed to be my father and the same man who tried to rape me that awful night. I was trying my best to not have a panic attack. It was the wrong time for it to appear. "I see you got more pretty as you aged" that asshole said with a smile. Alex held onto me just sending daggers their way.

"Slow your roll white boy. We just want her that's all" one said.

"Yeah okay... not happening" Alex said.

"I fucked you up that much that you married a white boy?" The asshole asked.

"You both can go fuck yourselves. And if you come for me someone might die" I warned. They both looked at each other and laughed "don't make this harder than it needs to be".

Now I had to channel old Zoli from Chicago. Cause I wasn't going without a fight. Closing my eyes I slowly counted to three. I felt someone's arm on me with a tight grip. I lifted up my other arm and slapped his arm off of me. "I said don't touch me!".

"Always knew you was a fighter" the asshole said. I kicked the other one in his balls and he went down. Grabbing Alex we started to run. Bare feet and all I was out. Alex was a little slow running... "you need to run a little faster!" I screamed. "I'm trying all of this is a little too much".

"Run like you see me wearing a short dress and a man is about to approach me rubbing his chin". He zoomed past me. Well damn. Hiding behind a wide tree trunk. "Zoli, now will be a perfect time for you to explain what's going on?".

"That man you saw was the man who tried to rape me back in Chicago and the other guy I guess he's working with him. But that's the same idiot who claimed to be my dad".

Alex face palmed himself "I knew I should've taken care of him last week. But I got distracted".

"So I guess I have to fight my battle. Or this won't stop" I said.

"We are going to fight your battle. As husband and wife whatever you're through so am I". Turning to him "you are so cute sometimes" pinching his cheeks.

"Nothing stops you from doing that..." he said.

"Just like nothing stops you from fucking me..." I replied.

"Anyway on the count of three we get up and wait for them and we take them out" Alex said. I nodded "okay. We got this".

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