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Zoli POV

Fuck, Fuck... Fuck! Late again. I tried walking as fast as a I can to get to work but my short legs wouldn't move as fast. Bumping into people and all just to get to work. The cold wind blew into my face slowing me down.

"Zoli! Late again.. what else is new?" My boss said. I smiled and walked into the back with him following me.

Turning around quickly "I'm going to need an extra shift this week. Rent is coming up and I'm short as always".

My boss shook his head "I'll see what I can do". I smiled and went to my locker. Fixing up my face and my uniform that I hate wearing so much. Making my appearance out on the floor I run to the coffee machine to make me some coffee. "Zoli! What's up?" My coworker said.

I shrugged "I'm here... work work work!" I said. She giggled "as always. You never let loose".

"How can I? I have bills to pay!" She wouldn't understand she still lives with her parents. Yeah okay we are 19. But my life is different than most. I grew up in the projects. My father wasn't around at all. And well my mom she was just into herself and drugs. Once I knew I could leave I did. I moved to a totally different city just to get away.

I would rather struggle than to be with my mom. Especially after she started prostituting herself to get her drugs. And she had the audacity to do it in the apartment. That's when one night one of her men tried coming onto me. Actually he tried to rape me. That's why I left!.

"Zoli! You got table 4" my boss said. Looking over to that table I see it's a bunch of three white men in suits and a woman. Well the woman didn't have on a suit though.

I walked over there and faked a smile "welcome everyone! What can I get you guys?".

The bald headed man looked up "Can I get a soda please". I nodded "and you?".

The man with the glasses "Umm I'll do a coffee". I nodded "and you two?" I said that because it's obvious they were together.

The gentleman looked up "if you don't mind can I get a sprite" he smiled. His eyes were so pretty. It seems his eyes matched with his hair color too. That's what made him glow in a way.

The woman seemed a little confused "I don't know what to get. I have a shoot tomorrow so I can't be bloated. I guess a water with lemon but the lemon on the side".

I nodded "I'll get right on that" walking away I rolled my eyes at the woman's water with lemon remark.

"Tough customers?" My coworker asked.

I nodded "just the female. She's one of those water crest salad eaters".

My coworker laughed "stopppp! Don't let the boss hear you talking about the paying customers". I shrugged "freedom of speech".

Returning to the table I handed everyone their drink. "So did we figure out what we are eating?" I asked.

Everyone nodded but the female. Lord here we go!. Then bald headed man said "well I'll take the Rueben sandwich". The man with the glasses said "I'll take the turkey club easy mayo". And mister beautiful looked up at me and we stared at each other for a minute before he spoke. "I'll take a burger deluxe" I nodded. The woman of course seemed confused again "Well I guess I'll take the water crest salad with olive oil dressing on the side". I giggled a little knowing i was right.

I collected the menus. "If anyone needs anything just wave me down".

After serving them their foods I placed the bill on the table for whomever was paying it. I was behind the counter making myself some expresso cause I needed energy. Hearing someone clear their throat I turned around to see mister beautiful smiling at me "they sticked me with the bill" he joked. I smiled "I see". Taking the bill from him and entering it in the pos system. He handed me his credit card.

As the process was slowly going I got my expresso and sipped it. "You know too much of that stuff is not good for you".

"Nothing is good for anyone. But I need it to continue this long ass day" he smiled "when do you get off?" Why does he want to know that. Don't you have a girlfriend who eats grass?. "Two in the morning".

"Ouch that's a long time" he said.

"Told ya! Anyway sign there" he took the pen from my hand and signed the paper. I handed him his copy "there ya go! Have a nice day" I smiled. "You too" he smiled back. I meet so many good looking men here but they're always taken. Like damn can't their be on that's single.

As time went on I was dreading to go home. Cause I'll sleep for maybe four hours and have to be right back here!. But work pays the bills so I can't really complain.

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