Chapter 3

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The day of the concert came around way too quick. Katii and I had told my Mom it was a Arctic Monkey's concert, because she had mentioned she hated Green Day and that I was not to go and see them live.

But here we were, early early early. We actually saw their van pull up. Tré, the drummer, got out first and lugged his drums into the building. Katii squealed as Billie Joe got out, carrying his guitars, and I felt a blush creep over my face as I saw the bassist, Mike Dirnt follow him with his bass guitars.

I had developed quite a crush on Mike since I had saw all the interviews.

By quite a crush, I mean I could literally tell you his life story. Oops.

"Billie!" Katii suddenly screamed and he turned, coming over.

"Hey there." He began talking to her, smiling. But then he saw me and his expression changed.

I looked up at him, feeling suddenly guilty. Did I do something to fuck up already?

"D-Do you guys wanna come watch soundcheck?" He stammered and we nodded, following him and Mike into the building.

Watching the soundcheck was awesome, Mike was even more amazing than I thought. Billie kept watching me.

"What's your favourite song by us?" He asked, and I thought for a while.

"She's A Rebel." I answered, and he automatically started playing the chords, Mike and Tré following him along on bass and drums.

He motioned me up and dropped the microphone to my height, obviously meaning me to sing with him. The song was too low for me, so I sang in key but higher, and the result was a harmonic sounding vocal which sounded really good. He stopped at the end of the song, nodding quickly.

"You're awesome. You guys should watch from the sidelines because uh, I have to talk to you after the show."

He wouldn't give me anymore detail on this, so we simply watched the whole Green Day show from the side of the stage, not quite believing that this was real. How often does your favourite band ask you to hang out with them not only before a show, but after it too?

But why did he have to talk to me?

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