Wedding Gone Wrong

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Anthony's POV

Today was the day I marry the woman of my dreams. I was standing in my dressing room, where my family was gawking at me. I was slightly upset that Ian wasn't here to comfort me, but then I remembered how badly I hurt him. I knew for a fact he wouldn't show up, even though he was my best man. Lasercorn walked into the room and patted me on the back. "I'm not going to be the only married Smosh Games member anymore!" He smiled, then moved to the front of me, where he adjusted my tie and my shirt. "You want to look absolutely perfect." Lasercorn chuckled. "There are lots of pictures." After a little bit longer of adjustments and advice, Lasercorn finally hugged me. "Congratulations, man. And good luck." Then he left the room.

I smiled at him, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. Melanie suddenly walked into my dressing room, which made me sigh with annoyance. I had to BEG Kalel to invite her, and I only did so for Ian, but what was the point if he wasn't going to show up? She walked over to me. My parents stood up and said, "We're going to check on the bride!" and left the room. Great. It was just Melanie and I now.

"Look," She said. "I know I'm probably the last person in the world you want to talk to right now. Ian's an emotional wreck. You really hurt him, Anthony. Why would you kiss him in the first place?!" Her tone became angrier with every word. All I could do was sigh. "I don't know."

"You really screwed yourself over." She walked to the door and opened it. "Oh, and Anthony?" I looked at her. She scowled. "Congrats." Then she closed the door. I sat down on the chair, scowling as well, running a hand through my already styled hair.

I texted my mom, asking her how much longer Kalel needed before the reception could start. She texted back quickly. 'Thirty minutes? They're redoing her hair because she didn't like the way it looked.' I sat there in absolute silence by myself. I kept my phone out, aching for Ian to contact me in some way. All I could do was wait.

Ian's POV

I wiped my bloodshot eyes once more and stumbled to the closet. Pulling out my only formal suit, I forced myself to get into it and combed through my mane, which was misshaped and stuck out in every direction. I brushed my teeth and didn't bother eating anything. I hadn't eaten much all week, besides what Melanie forced me to. I looked at myself in the mirror, blinking slowly. I was disgusted by what I saw, and it took all of my willpower not to shatter the mirror then and there.

I forced myself into dress shoes and drove to where Anthony's wedding was supposed to be.

I really didn't want to go, at the same time I didn't want to miss it.

I got out and blended in with the crowd of people. There was absolutely no way that I was going to confront Anthony alone today, or any day for that matter. Everyone around me was vlogging, and I tried my best to avoid getting in their shots. I walked a little bit away from where everyone was, where I saw Melanie with her arms crossed against a tree. I walked over to her. "Mel?"

She jumped when she saw me. "Ian! What are you doing here?"

"I'm not missing today." I said blankly. Melanie gave me a sympathetic stare and hugged me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I sighed and was about to say something, when I heard people cheering.

The wedding was about to start. I grabbed Melanie's hand and pulled her in there, getting her a seat next to me. Everyone was getting situated while Anthony stood under the arch, looking around nervously. I slumped so he wouldn't see me. Soon, the wedding music started and everyone was silent when Kalel walked down the aisle with her father. She looked absolutely gorgeous, her hair must have taken hours and her makeup was perfect. I still let no emotion cross my face as I saw Anthony's jaw drop in awe and a small smile form on his perfect lips. I clenched one of my fists. She now stood under the arch next to Anthony.

The minister cleared his throat.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God - and in the face of this company - to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore - is not by any - to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly - but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

I hesitated for a moment before jumping up and croaking, "I object."

Every single person in the chapel gasped loudly, especially Kalel. Anthony stood there with his eyes wide and his jaw on the floor. I stepped into the aisle.

"A-Anthony. We had three months. Three months. You wanted a Kalel away from home. You let your curiousity get the best of you and you kissed me by that swing set. I loved you so much and I thought you loved me. Yet, you never even dared to say those words to me. You even told me I was your one and only. We cuddled, we slept together, we did everything together. All of these kisses and all of my affection ment NOTHING to you?" My voice cracked as I took a deep breath. "You played me. I wanted you all to myself. You INSULTED me for having these feelings for you, yet you've had feelings just like mine. You told me that you would ALWAYS be there for me. I am in love with you, Anthony Padilla."

Anthony's expression didn't change. Kalel looked from me, to Anthony several times.

Almost like a robot, Anthony walked towards me. He looked at me like he couldn't believe what was happening, then all of sudden, he pushed me backwards.

I stumbled but didn't fall. I looked at Anthony fearfully, but not before he came right up next to my ear and growled, "Leave."

This was not what I was expecting.

"Hey!" Melanie yelled. She walked over to the two of us and pulled Anthony off of me. "You have NO respect for him. Ian, he's an asshole. Let's just go." She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the chapel. I didn't argue, I just moped over what had happened. Suddenly Anthony ran out. "IAN! WAIT!" He yelled. "I'm sorry."

Melanie let go of me.

I shrugged my shoulders and scowled at him. "What good does that do?"

He panted, then quickly kissed me. I broke off first. "Anthony. I'm not falling for your shit."

He looked at me with sad eyes. "The wedding's off." Anthony took my hands and kissed me again. I hesitated and looked at Melanie while his lips moved against mine, and she gave an unreadable stare. I finally shut my eyes and kissed him back, feeling a large smile appear on his face.

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